Technics Turntable
Hello, a recent personal project of a Technics turntable scene rendered in Twilight Render.
Very good render, sharp and clear.
But one thing was the first thing I've seen (because I'm using these turntable for over 20 years now):
the slope of the turntable ist too strong. perhaps it's about 45ยฐ
And the size of the dots are different.
Amazing! They don't get more photo realistic than this, the DOF is spot on.
It's such a shame when you spend so much time on a model/render and find everyone's a critic
John -
Mighty fine job, there, Rangerrick. All in all I would say it is "hi-fidelity". I have an old Technics up in the attic. It is belt drive, though, and the belt is long gone. If I was to nitpick, it might be that the edge of the vinyl disc would be more rounded and tapered. Everything you could say about depth of field, the text and logo in the label, these are truly amazing, and you, like tadema, have set the bar even higher.
Thanks for the comments. I give credit for the model to jmusic available at 3Dwarehouse, although I did tweak it somewhat.
Yes, jo-ke I can see by your example that I should have a little shallower slope on the platter and arrangement of the dots.
Cheers. -
Tough crowd...
Great render mate.
How did you do the record? bitmap/bump or mesh?
Thanks Solo. The surface of the record is done with a bumpmap.
Amazing render! If you put your ear to the screen you can almost hear the music (along with all the clicks and pops that gave these classics so much character). I have about 900 old albums and several turntables upstairs gathering dust (along with about 1500 8-tracks), gonna give them to somebody that might get some use out of them. Any takers?
Thank-you for the
hellnbak, before you give them all away, better make sure there isn't something of great value in that collection
Nice render Rangerrick, mind if I ask where you got the record bump map?
I asked my Nephew, So are you going to release your album on CD or just over the web...?
No they are going to release vinyl records. The record will come with a URL / code to download as well. It's the punk thing now apparently. When he first said "press our album" I thought it was a just quaint expression.
Hey Rangerrick, I downloaded the turntable, tweeked it a little bit, and tried my hand in Thea (I can use the practice), need a little more work especially on those polkadots pattern, but overall it rendered for an hour and a half, lit by only a spot light.
Thanks for the inspiration.
What I wound up doing was to model the dots instead of a texture. The bumpmap for the grooves I created in a CAD program. I see your vinyl looks pretty good. Did you model that or did it come with the model?
@tadema said:
It's such a shame when you spend so much time on a model/render and find everyone's a critic
I disagree. While we should give praise for a project well done, it's also (IMO) our responsibility to our fellow modelers to honestly critique the work. When I post a model the purpose is not to fish for compliments (I've never taken compliments well). What I am looking for is somebody else's ideas on how I could have done it differently, or better, or at least areas where I did it badly, One thing I've noticed about these forums, people seem very reluctant to criticize other people's work. It should be done tactfully, of course, and the experience level of the modeler should be taken into consideration, and I know that not everyone will take criticism in the spirit it was intended, but sometimes it's very difficult to look at your own work objectively, and let's face it, you can't improve if you don't know where your shortcoming are.
I know that some people will take exception to these comments, maybe a lot of people, but this is just the way I feel so I thought I would throw it out there.
@hellnbak said:
... (IMO) our responsibility to our fellow modelers to honestly critique the work. When I post a model the purpose is not to fish for compliments (I've never taken compliments well). What I am looking for is somebody else's ideas on how I could have done it differently, or better, or at least areas where I did it badly,
... sometimes it's very difficult to look at your own work objectively, and let's face it, you can't improve if you don't know where your shortcoming are.I know that some people will take exception to these comments, maybe a lot of people, but this is just the way I feel so I thought I would throw it out there.
i agree, sir.
we need others to tell us which are those things that need improvements and ways to improve it. -
hellnbak, yes we all need others to look with fresh eyes but this is visualization, not photography. I know that no matter how much time and effort we put into our models, some renders never turn out as expected. 99.9% of people would not know what a Technics, model no.***** turntable looks like! but the render sure looks like a turntable to me.
I bet there's tens, maybe hundreds of members sitting on their first render, unsure to post, fearing it being ripped apart
on the smallest "mistake".
John -
Yeah, Rangerrick, I think I would opt for modeling the dots next time, or leave them out alltogether.
The vinyl record is just an image I got from the internet. -
Hmm, shouldn't I post this critism?
I think the render is excellent, the choice of material, the light, DOF and so on.
But the dots were the first thing I've seen and as I wrote, I'm working with this model for over 25 years now...
Personally, I post my pictures and renders here to get some constructive critcism and of course also compliments.
never the less. If this critisim isn't desired, I'm sorry for that.