Snow at sunset
Very nice! Both the architecture and presentation.
Very niceonce again. Your images are state of the art.
As you mentioned it in another thread, what's the story here? In the first setting I noticed the prominence of the wall in the view and I wonder why. In the second with the foreground trees, I feel like I am lurking in the woods. The people who live there are calling the cops.
Love that mountain.
Nice photos. Are you going to do a model of these scenes?
What renderer do you use? Vue? -
Beautifully done..
David, I just love your style they just keep getting better
John -
Absolutely beautiful.
these are really really beautiful.. love the versions with the water and the reflections. would love to see how many different bits and pieces these are made up of.. matte paintings always intrigue me.
Beautiful, beautiful stuff. Your work is incredible. Although I'm a huge fan of snow and winterscapes I've never tried a scene with snow in it. I'm not sure if that's fear or a lack of skill.
Just looking at "Icy Pond" - I would definitely have that on my wall.
David, these are easily the best renders I have seen in all the time I have been a member of these forums. Your style and composition of your images are top notch. Just superb!
Thanks a lot for all the positive feedback,Its always good to get.
Here Ive attached a snow storm version of this house.The colours are particularly muted and a slight blue cast added to the overall image.The falling snow was created using this technique :
very nice again.. i've used that snow technique as well.. really simple and effective.
Fantastic Work!!
First class work, David!