This is some of my works
me to
aerobus concept
Nice model, but are those wingtip engines or mini emergency escape planes?
Do they have functioning ailerons, and if so, wouldn't that make control of the aircraft a lot more complicated? They look cool, but I don't think they would be practical. I would just drop them down and make them a part of the wing.
Never mind me, just nitpicking. -
they support the wing and are additional accelerators + controls in the EMERGENCY situation
ะถะฐั !
Offroad tricykle
Anthony, your imagination and originality never cease. This is awesome.
@cj_sniper said:
assault boarding a spaceship "TICK"
I think I saw one of those under microscope in my lab work the other day
Like John said, great imagination. Keep it up.
thanks guys
assault boarding spaceship "TICK"
offroad buggy for kids
RED Devastator .... (fantasy on the theme of American thinking about the alleged enslavement of the world's communists of the Soviet Union)
Self-propelled, destructive, self-contained, fortress siege
Other renderers are later
Crazy great stuff. Wonderful renders. They look like real toys or models, with the DOF. Appropriate for the old USSR that the siege machine looks like a harvester in a way.
as I wrote earlier
here are more renders
rover, passenger transport to travel between the colonies
Good stuff! I really enjoy your rendering and presentation style. Not to mention the creative subjects.
bathyscaphe TURTLE
the main idea of โโthe front wheel is divided into two, and steering support is at the center ...
exterior lighting of the Krivoy Rog Technical University