[REQ] Unlock/ReLock
I have made a model from which variations of 4 other models are based.
Somehow, a couple of the models have geometry that has been accidentally moved.I need to correct this. The problem is each model has an INTRICATE, SPECIFIC SET of geometry which has been locked and that set should not be altered. Because of this, the set of geometry must first be unlocked and then relocked after being re-positioned.
Could a script be developed that would evaluate all the geometry in a model (including nested geometry), remember the locking status of the geometry, unlock that geometry, and then be able to relock that geometry after it has been re-positioned?
Well, you have access to Group and component locks in the API. Where you can set lock, and read lock. However to "remember" each groups(or comp.) a quick guess, you could probably set an attribute for that purpose. Not 100% sure about that feature though.
IF SO, one would probably want to be able to update the attributes if grouping get's changed or deleted. And delete the attribute in an easy fashion as well.
Got my hands busy learning Javascript, otherwise I could test it for you.
Good luck! Think it would be a useful plugin.
To make it less complicated, the user would have to assume that the grouping structure could not be altered.
Yeah, that would help.
BUT, I came to think of some unlogic in my ideas. And that is if you for ex set an attribute that says the group is locked. And then you unlock the group by setting group=unlocked. How to tell the state before? There might be methods dealing with this but I can't give an answer to that unless digging more deeply.
Someone more experienced with classes and attributes might pitch in.
Sorry, bout that.