Hot, Hot, Hot
In Dallas we have averaged 105 degrees F with humidity equals a 'feels like' temp of around 113 degrees.
Thankfully we all have airconditioning.
If I have made no mistake that makes 64,4° Celcius
Are you in a vulcano? -
Three solar utilities currently under construction in my part of Arizona: Solana, 280 Megawatts, 1800 Acres, online in 2013: Paloma Solar 17 Megawatts, 242 acres, online in Sept 2011: Cotton Center, 17 Megawatts,145 acres, online Nov 2011. Operating costs are nothing like fossil fuel plants.
Dave, mentioned the oft quoted "its a dry heat defense" and I would say that the surface of the sun is also a dray heat, but I would not want to summer there. When that photo was taken the surface temp on gravel was between 148F and 150F. Yesterday someone left a child in a car with internal temps of 140F for twenty minutes. Cops smashed the windows of the car and carried the little girl into a grocery store freezer to bring down her core body temp. The kid is now in the care of Child Protective Services. If I cross the street with my dog, I have to carry it so its foot pads are not burned by the asphalt. I rarely walk the dog during the day because it will collapse in less than a mile. Even a night walk is difficult when temps are still over 100 at 11PM.
Pilou, you are correct about the ground temp, but the air temp is ONLY 43.9C
Let me say to you architects, affordable home architecture in the US is a sorry mess controlled by blood sucking developers, self important home owners associations, and a misdirected building code system. On the subject of building codes we need to move from a "this is what you have to do" system to a "this is what you have to achieve" system.
In our town (Izmir) every summer we have a couple of weeks topping 40 degrees. I have a southwestward looking wall behind a (roofless) patio covered with polished marble. That turned to be a bad design decision , past noon when the sun and its reflection shine on the wall its outer temperature gets above 75 degrees centigrade.
@oganocali said:
In our town (Izmir) every summer we have a couple of weeks topping 40 degrees. I have a southwestward looking wall behind a (roofless) patio covered with polished marble. That turned to be a bad design decision , past noon when the sun and its reflection shine on the wall its outer temperature gets above 75 degrees centigrade.
Use the "rotate tool" and turn the house 180.
Seriously it seems like time for some kind of architectural remediation.
Hi Pilou, hi folks.
111°F = 43.9°C
64.4°C = 148.28°F
The conversion formulas are:
°C = (°F - 32) / 9 * 5
°F = (°C * 9 / 5) + 32
By the way, there are numerous Web sites that can do these conversions and many others, including Google. Just type 111F in the search box and observe the proposed choices.
Not all people seem to know the built in calculator functions of the Google search box. Try to enter 123*456 in it, followed by a press of the RETURN key or the ENTER key. You will see the result and this link:
Just ideas.
Google can makes all for us!
Still easier: "Let Me Google That for You"
Roger just think Cooler weather is just around the corner only a 1.5 to 2 months and we can open our windwos.
@azpilot said:
Roger just think Cooler weather is just around the corner only a 1.5 to 2 months and we can open our windwos.
And achieve rotation before the end of the runway with a heavy load!