My first gallery post :)
Welcome Mohd. The interiors are great! Congrats and thanks for sharing!
Sketchup models I Suppose ?
@earthmover: Thanks! Glad to hear you liked them
@pilou: Yes
I can do modeling in sketchup. But I still need to practice more on my renderings
So decided just to grab a few model from 3D warehouse, save time. That's why I got them watermarked with Google.
Those look great. I'm still learning rendering.
Nice work!
nice work
Wright meets Reitvelt meets Mies VDR.
Bran K: Tanx man. yeah me too. perhaps I can learn from you
Boofredlay: Tanx man:) some of the pics look flat, still learning to post process
gatsupage: Tanx man. glad you like them
Roger: indeed. haha
Hi tensai,
this is some nice work you got there, especially the interiors.
In the first model, you could a little more fur-action.
The fourth picture - to me - looks unnatural.But still: very decent work for your first post in here.
Greetz, Fritz
P.S.: What did you model on your own?
Hi Fritz
yup i totally agree with the 4th pic. the grass looked so flat,and I'm still working on improving that. The interior has lot to improve as well
btw, I did model my college works using sketchup. These are those pics.
p/s: don't bother to comment on renderings.
those were 3 or 4 years back
another college project
This is my latest hobby project, a spaceship. Just to test my modelling ability. Still much to improve