Lyon in 1700
The "porte du pont du Rhône".
Very good work....I am most impressed.
ooooooooooooooo! nice!
hey can you show us some skp shots please? thanks for sharing!
Some skp images
Sacré quartier de ville!
Pas de personnages pour rendre plus vivant ces vues? -
Very nice! Those images are dying for some people, and you will have something that could sell as a painting.
a baroque portal in the north of the city
Il y a de la moulure
With Kerky
rue Mercière
Rue des Tripiers
Il va y avoir une caméra subjective qui va se promener dans les rue pour en faire une animation?
Ce n'est pas l'objectif principal.
L'idée est ensuite de proposer une visite virtuelle avec des liens vers des gravures, plans et articles. -
2 news images
My God!
Did you model the whole city? This is quite nice modeling work and inspires me to seek the next goal. How large is your file? Or is it several files? I wanted to do Mount Saint Michelle, but thought the level of detail needed would prohibit it. No? I did a Gothic cathedral - see: and that file ended up about 60 MB - interior and exterior combined. So if you have suggestions to reduce file size, I am interested in them, please.
Thanks for sharing ... -
@fabrice de lyon said:
2 news images
This model should be featured as "most impressive SU modelling". Just great and great renders.
thank you.
The city is currently divided into two pieces, 47 and 51 mega.
Once completed, there should be about 8 blocks.
I use a lot of components, but there is no magic formula.
Avoid curves when possible ... no sculpture for example.
Striking the right balance between realism and simplicity. -
new image. Rue de la Monnaie