I need your feedback
I need your feedback with my latest blogsite. This one focus more and resources and introducing people who use sketchup as part of the workflow. Aside, i am listing all the resources i know, texture, hdri, ies files etc together with my tutorials.
Nomeradona SketchUp VR
We share to the community different SketchUp and VRAY resources.
yes, yes, yes
thank for the blog.
this should be spread aloud. the most important things on one place. -
wonderful, wonderful job. The driven passion you have is an inspiration to all of us!
Very nice site. Also bookmarked.
One minor thing I could suggest you to fix would be the tutorial navigation. I instictively press on the picture to open the tutorial but instead I can just open the picture. And I don't think it is necessary to write the title of the tutorial twice, the pictures are good enought. -
thank you guys.. I have added an interview every second week like this.. http://sketchupvrayresources.blogspot.com/2011/05/featured-visualizer-jhan-philip-co.html
Well, lots of luck and success to your blog, Nomer!