User feedback: looking for alternative to screen notes
I'm writing a plugin that gives feedback about its operations via screen-notes.
But screen-notes are buggy: .I was thinking about webdialogs, so I'm looking for a simple example on that.
Or are there any other alternatives?
That is a minor bug, unless you plan on your tool being run very often when there is no geometry in the model. But you can easily check for that, and find a way to warn the user that there needs to be geometry in the model, or add a line yourself or something.
Hi Chris,
Thanx for your help !
Indeed, the problem arises when there is no geometry. The plugin I'm writing gives feedback on the scale-factor that an object is scaled with. When you press the scale-up button the object is scaled up with a factor. Then the scale-factor is presented to the user as a screen-note. The user can scale up as much as he wants to, and the screen-note will refresh accordingly.
Then, when the 'scale-down at once button' is pressed, the object is scaled down to its original proportions and the screen-note gets deleted.
But there arises a problem with a scaled up object and the corresponding screennote. In case the object is deleted ,so there is no geometry, the screen-note is still active. And I can find no way to correct this.