Marathons etc
Good man Lee. Well done. The next milestone will be 10 miles - that is worth celebrating!! Keep us posted.
10 miles?
Maybe on a bicycle (downhill). Even better, on a motorbike (or in a car).
Well, I did 10 miles on Tuesday! Awesome! It wasn't too bad really. Keeping myself hydrated has been key.
11 miles on Saturday. Suddenly, all these piddling 4 and 5 miles run seem nothing, which is unbelievable as a month or so ago I would be crapping myself about them!
Hope the traiing is going well - you must be up near the 18 mile mark now. You are right about hydrating yourself - my training buddy went out on a long run once ad didnt hydrate properly and started hallucinating during the latter part of the run. Not smart. Keep it up and let us know how things are progressing.
Hi Dermot,
Thanks for the interest, well its been an eventful few weeks....
Things were going well, I got up to 12 miles and then, WHAM, shin-splints. Awful pain whenever I tried to run, this happened for two weeks.
Whilst I was off the road I went to see a podiatrist who called me, and a I quote; "a medical marvel"! Apparently I have one leg shorter than the other, a rotating hip and a pronating foot!
The podiatrist recommended I reined in my marathon plans, so with much regret, I am now doing the half marathon instead.
However, I'm also doing the 24 hour National 3 Peaks challenge in June for charity, one of my colleagues lost his daughter to meningitis at the backend of last year. I did Scafell Pike today, the 'up' bit was terrible, but coming down was better!
Were we separated at birth. I was told the exact same thing by a podiatrist over here. I knew my leg was shorter (1.5 inches) but that was due to a hurling incident! She was amazed that I was able to run at all. I was up to 22 miles when my body eventually packed in. I am unable to run any distance now but I cycle around 75 miles a week and hope to do a 120 mile cycle in June from Dublin to Magherafelt as part of a fund raising effort for the local GAA club.
Hope you keep at it and keep us posted of any crazy fell running exploits - those guys really are nuts!!
Wow, sounds like you have been through the mill with your legs, and I think we are most definitely seperated at birth as I love to cycle also! it's one of my biggest loves, setting out for the day with a map, good friends and the good beer guide - heaven!
But I certainly won't be doing any fell running - those lads are total nutcases!
Congrats leedeetee. Sorry about having to back off the full marathon. I've not run any at all, but might get inclined to run a half. I'm 6'2" and 15.5 st, and that's up 1 st from just a couple months ago (but down from 16 3/4 st just before that). Most I have run is 7 miles (23F and raining) around the holidays. I try to run 3 miles a couple times a week, but as the number shows, I've been slacking off.
My wife has run 4 (5?) halves and a full. She won't run any more fulls, but wants me to do another half with her. We're both close to 50 (<2 years away).
Her favorite t-shirt: "Toenails are for Sissies"
Thanks Todd.
I have the utmost respect for your wife with all those halves and full marathons under her belt, I watched the London marathon on tv on Sunday and was in awe of everyone I saw. Amazing stuff.
I gotta get myself one of those t-shirts too!
OK, the half marathon is in two weeks today, so the last big run will be on Wednesday where I hope to do a 12 miler. Have done 11 and 10 miles previously so should be OK.
My 3 peak challenge is in 4 weeks, too.
We did the Yorkshire 3 Peaks walk yesterday as a training exercise - absolutely gruelling.
25 miles, 9.5 hours and 1600m of ascent. Can hardly move today. It was just about worth it though.
Great stuff leedeetee. Very impressed. Good luck in the 1/2 marathon.
This is a link to my 1/2 marathon data from a couple of years ago.
So, just doing some bits and pieces before heading for the train and goign up to edinburgh for the half marathon tomorrow.
Starting to get nervous, but hopefully my basework will stand me in good stead.
If you don't hear from me again, I've taken a wrong turning and run into the North Sea.
Well I completed my debut half marathon in 2hrs and 25mins and I'm really, really pleased with that time. I had a few dark moments, especially at the 10 mile mark when you have to pass the finish line, but in the opposite direction and on the other side of the road! Had a few beers afterwards with Mrs T, but early night tonight before some more sightseeing in Edinburgh tomorrow and Tuesday.
Well done Lee, we all knew you could do it!
John -
Well done Lee. Great time for your first one. Hope its given you a taste for a full one in the not to distant future!!
Thanks Dermot. Still deciding about a full one. It's such a commitment, as you well know. I think I might do though, especially if I'm succesful in the London ballot. Such a good catalyst for weight loss.
Anyway, it's the BIG challenge tomorrow, the UK 24 hour National 3 Peaks challenge.
I'm really starting to be nervous now, I'm a really slow hill walker and the rest of the team are all super-fit walking experts. Oh well, we've raised loads of money and I've done as much training as I possible could. I've lost 20lbs since xmas (not great, but will help) so I've just got to get my head down and crack on.
If anyone has a few pence to spare, sponsorshop would be thoroughly appreciated, all for a great cause ...
Amazing, gruelling weekend.
I had to sit out Scafell Pike due to a knackerked foot but strapped it up in time ready for Snowdon. We suffered a puncture in Cumbria and horrific traffic in North Wales, so we didn't quite do the 24 hours, but nevertheless, it was an incredible experience and raised lots of money. It was so hot at the bottom of Ben Nevis, but then 2 feet of snow at the top.
Coming down Ben Nevis
Going up Snowdon
Signed up for a couple of 10ks, one in my town on York, the other ina little village in North Yorkshire. Hoping to beat an hour mark in the first one, and 55mins in the second.
I'm on holiday in Spain on September so these two runs will keep me focussed with my weightloss.
Been back to the podiatrist to sort out my foot though. Hope it works this time.
You looking for a mankini body ??