Purge Shortcuts
Hello everyone,
Quick question, any way to be able to "purge" all shortcuts in the shortcut menu. I noticed in all the version of sketchup i have had, whenever i re-imported shortcuts from a saved file - what it did was save shortcuts - ontop of the already existing ones. So for example if r was for rectangle - and i replaced it with say 'w' and then reused 'r' for circle - the rectangle function would still be saved under r and w (both shortcuts) but the circle function wouldn't be copied. So i was thinking to remedy this, first there could be a shortcut to 'purge' all the default shortcuts, and then assign from an external file. Does something like this exist already?
Hey Guys,
Figured it out, in case anyone else is curious.
open regedit
go to this directory
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\SketchUp8\Settingsdelete everything except Num_shortcuts
Now, does anyone know how to make the into a .reg file? or perhaps a .bat file ?