[Plugin] Snap to Unit
Handy item that'll snap anything selected to the nearest unit described in Model Info, Units, Enable Length Snapping.
What this plugin exactly does? I'm not sure that I understand from description. Can you post a movie, or a better detailed explanation?
I don't have a video of it, but it's fairly simple.
It takes whatever object(s) you have selected and moves them to the nearest "grid" setting. The grid settings are found in: Model Info: "Units". To turn on the grid also check "Enable Length Snapping" in Model Info.
The action uses the origin point (local axis) of the object as the snap-to-location.
@alz said:
It takes whatever object(s) you have selected and moves them to the nearest "grid" setting. .
So, if I have snapping set at 1cm and I have an object situated at 10,5cm from origin, it will be snapped to 100? (I assume that my "grid" cell is 1cm, right?)