Bobby Bubble - Artisan [SDS2]
okay... that looks simple enuff!!!
thanks fred! -
just curious
How long is SDS2(artisan) busy with working things out from proxy to model?
I am not sure I fully understand your question Solidseal.
From beginning to end I spent probably 5 hours but most of that was trying to figure out how I wanted to approach the shapes. Since I have made this now and if I wanted to model it again it might only take me an hour.
If you are asking how long it took the proxy to calculate from step 2 to step 3 in the image below it was only a few seconds.
Hmm cannot see the image ..
But I understandhave you ever tried to make the same model using SDS(1)
and see the difference with SDS(2)
Well there is a big difference. Once I subdivide the mesh I did quite a bit of sculpting and vertex editing to get the final shape which cannot be done with SDS1, only Artisan.
Here is an example of the vertex select and move tool on this subdivision.
And here is a look at the sculpt and smooth brush.
Very nice Eric. Your work is always fun. SDS2 is so beyond promising I can hardly wait to get my anxious hands on it.
i am curious to what this >>>>>does?
if it does what i think it does, then i think i am thinking nirvana!!!(if ur under NDA u can safely ignore my message! ....)
That's the Paint brush.
thanks for videos eric, very kind. does that website work for taking videos from mac?
Not sure Oli. Just search for Jing. I am using the free version now but am about to fill up my allowed space
Edit: Videos removed as they were disabled after my bandwidth ran out.