Ssbump generator
Has anyone gotten the ssbump generator to work?
It just what I need to make bump and normal maps.
I get an error message and it won't load.
Its a free program if you would like to try. -
Another program that generates reasonable bump and normal maps is Gimp, it is in Filters. However this one looks really interesting because of the shadow generation, since it would normally take displacement to do this.
Hi lapx,
I am interested with bump mapping so I had already bookmarked SSbump Generator but haven't tried it yet.1)do you have downloaded it from Sourceforge ? because they have a bug fixed version.
- do you know xNormal? It is supposed to be an excellent (because very famous) free Normal map maker
If you test them, please give some report. It will be very appreciated.
Thanks Simon,
I downloaded from that site and it appears to load. I will let you know my results once I have a chance to test it.
Crazy bump was good becuase it created several maps at once. I hoping this one does the sametime and had a great viewer.
Smart normal is good for quick normals. I have no idea about gimp. I would thinig that photoshop would have had a 1 button solution for this in a free plugin, no? -
I also had an error message under XP & Vista, I left a bug report on sourceForge, but no response at all.
It immediately crashes now on Win7although the author says it's been tested on W7-32 and W7-64.
I have a NVidia GC with latest drivers, .Net framework 2, and all the stuff needed to run this app but no go.I've never heard of someone getting this thing to work
I was able to download and install the file and it appears to be working at first glance.
Is there any documentaion anywhere?
I downloaded from sourceForge today.