Scifi Sketchup Modeling
yeah you've got soeme good stuff!
Ben working on the pyro from team fortress 2 going quite well so far here is a test render of the head from Octane render. This render took about 5 seconds but I left in on for a few thousand more passes till 3 mins and got some awesome reflections in the gas mask!
Added a helmet, just edited one from the warehouse gives her more of a menacing Stormtooper look. Be doing some more Octance renders this afternoon/evening this is what the file looks like in Sketchup. As I dont have the material exporters yet every material has to be a different color when exporting to the normal wavefront file then in Octane I can chose each material and then change the color and edit it. The reason the helmet is green and the mask black is that in Octane I want a matte effect on the helmet but a glossy one on the mask etc etc.
Whoa! I love it! Very nice renders too.
yeah shame its only a demo version ill have some better results soon
So its been a while sine I did anything I can post. Uni coupled with biting off more freelance work than I can chew since I got back from basecamp has lead to no free time to do anything fun whatsoever. Not saying that Uni isnt fun but my briefs so far are to rebrand Macaulay Culkin to be successful again, Dialogues in Fashion design you get the idea
I found a great competition to create a scfi ship for the eve online universe and ended up not having any time to do anything arghh although on a plus side I told Ken and watching his model build up was just as exciting as making my own, I hope he gets in the top three its great (if your reading I think you should donate me the intuos 4 I need an upgrade).
It sucked that I could not enter so im pretending that its still open and im going to make one anyway even though the competition is closed just for s***s and giggles and to play with Thea my new favorite toy although you will have to wait for the pretty renders as my MacBookPro decided to go crazy but luckily only 6 days before my 3 year apple care runs out
Among the list of repairs according to my receipt are:
Display Clamshell, 17β, matte (AG)
Hard Drive Hitachi HTS543216L9SA02 149.05GB
Battery, Lithum Ion, 68W
HARDWARE REPAIR LEVEL 2So yeah its pretty wrecked but on the plus side I only have to pay Β£166 and im basically getting a complete overhaul save the motherboard (I had that replaced last year anyway) so it will be brand spanking new. My battery pretty much overheated and exploded which is why its basically ruined, I have some photos I took of the said explosion/implosion of the battery ill post them in the corner bar when I have a little rant about apple some time this week. Luckily I backed up yesterday and I have everything so now on my crappy HP 2002 desktop I can still post some pictures of what I started to work on. When I get the Mac back ill finish this bad boy off bear with me its still young although clean so when its finished if anybody wants the model ill host it up someplace and you can all play to render with it.
@liam887 said:
I found a great competition to create a scfi ship for the eve online universe and ended up not having any time to do anything arghh although on a plus side I told Ken and watching his model build up was just as exciting as making my own, I hope he gets in the top three its great (if your reading I think you should donate me the intuos 4 I need an upgrade).
Hi Liam,
Sorry to hear about your laptop.
If I do win the intuos 4, I am afraid I have to keep it. My wacom tablet is 10 years old and need to be replaced too. It's broken, so I have to tape it to hold it together. lol
Anyway, if I do win some monetary prize, I will certainly consider to give you a donation through Paypal to help you for the purchase of a new intuos.
About your ship, it's looking great. Can't wait to see the finished model. It seems like yours and mine belong to 2 different races. We'll be shooting at each other.
Have a nice day,
haha thats ok i was only joking I already have an intuos 3 in pretty good nick I just like the 4 as its black how vain am I hey
, yeah I was thinking of mine having no guns and more of a civil nature, from the universe of eve but not actually for game use as its got no guns. Not all spaceship need to be full of guns and bombs I suppose normal people live in the universe with no need to kill each other haha
Fantastic ship Liam! The year I have taken off from modeling has put me so far behind but it has been great watching your progress. I was doing a couple of renders in Kerky but it's not so good now. Thea looks pretty good and I like seeing what you are getting up to using it!
Well I have been so busy since I got back to university this year and have done zero personal projects or things in my own time. However just finished for a month so its time to dust off my tablet and have a go at something new!
Decided to model a Mk2 Lightcycle from the new tron movie. Although the main bikes in the movie are Mk5 bikes they look like they would take much longer than a month to model so I best set a goal I can actually complete in the timeframe. Already started on the bike ill be able to post some images of progress tonight or tomorrow hopefully!
@unknownuser said:
Although the main bikes in the movie are Mk5 bikes they look like they would take much longer than a month to model
How many hours would you say?
I wanted to model the new bike but could not find good reference images, the ones I saw were done in the dark with just lights showing.
Animating it would be awsome however, with those lights and motion blur, it will be fantastic.
Well I dont have the whole month to work on it I have two briefs in for the 10th Jan and then one commission work so with the hours it would take I probably would not finish a Mk5 they are super slick
Plus I want to wait till SDS2 is out to make it extra special. This Mk2 can probably done in a (edit) week of modeling so spread out over the holidays will be easy! Going to try and animate it in thea it only has one moving part so should be easy haha!
Yeah movement it thea is ok I have that nailed down from the wired work I did the glowing trail will take some trial and error to get the desired effect but I dont think it will be too much of a problem ill drop a line on the thea forums when I get stuck haha
Hi Liam,
Nice to see you back on the forum.
Looking forward to seeing your model of the MK2.
My interview with ASGVIS/V-Ray:
My interview with
Sketchup for Fantasy Art:
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art: -
@solo said:
I wanted to model the new bike but could not find good reference images, the ones I saw were done in the dark with just lights showing.
Animating it would be awsome however, with those lights and motion blur, it will be fantastic.
Use the force Luke, use the Force!
The Next Issue of 3DWorld will have a Tut on modeling the Tron Legacy Light Cycle, or Litcyycle as the Yanks call it [sorry could not resist...]. Not sure what App they'll be using though.
@ken28875 said:
Hi Liam,
Nice to see you back on the forum.
Looking forward to seeing your model of the MK2.
My interview with ASGVIS/V-Ray:
My interview with
Sketchup for Fantasy Art:
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art: nice to be back around while I have a break from uni
@11zulu said:
@solo said:
I wanted to model the new bike but could not find good reference images, the ones I saw were done in the dark with just lights showing.
Animating it would be awsome however, with those lights and motion blur, it will be fantastic.
Use the force Luke, use the Force!
The Next Issue of 3DWorld will have a Tut on modeling the Tron Legacy Light Cycle, or Litcyycle as the Yanks call it [sorry could not resist...]. Not sure what App they'll be using though.
yeah I think ill get that and also wait for SDS2 before doing the light bike it will make the organic modeling easier and I wont have to do it in another piece of software!
here is a kitbashed hellicarrier I have been working on today the only bits from scratch are the hangers and forward upper section the rest it mostly from my eve online competition ship I didn't have time to finish so no point letting it go to waste may as well recycle it!this is the basic shape still not sure where to put the bridge and design the back and of course still need to throw all the details on.
Extreme! Very well done, Liam, maybe the only complaint is the colour
Nice and welcome back.
Yeah thanks, ill try and get a lot more done tomorrow and start working over the placeholders I have put in so far. No point doing anything with colors or textures till its done it only slows the model and renders down while im still working on it.
Well with that color I can already see this thing flying low over sand dunes kicking up quite a cloud of sand. Love it.