Does Speed Reading Work?
I've always been curious, but I've always held doubts whether the claims are true. So I have never committed to training myself.
Is anyone here able to speedread, and could shed some light about techniques and success?
When I was a Kid (long ago and far away) I was put into an accelerated education program called MPH. (matriculation program honors). As a part of the program from the 7th to the 9th grade inclusive, we had to take a speed reading program called Remedial Reading. Remedial reading has programs associated both with people having difficulty learning to read, right up and including speed reading drills.
The method taught us how to instantly discern the key words in a sentence, but using the method we were taught, we also were "taking in" the entire sentence at a glance.
This was done with a series if speed drills delivered via slide projectors. (it was that era)
I learned to read at blazing speed with a very high rate of comprehension.
Now the down side.
It took me years to deprogram myself, and get back to the point where I enjoyed reading. Since I love literature this was very important to me.
Employing my speed reading skills put my body into a very tense state, probably due to the high level of concentration required, and drilled into us until it became subconscious. I think partially because our program was a pilot project there was a lot of emphasis on making us perform so the program would be considered a success and be assured funding. (Lab Rats)
My advice would be. If you are, or are going to be in a field where you will need to do a lot of technical reading, and there will be pressure on you to perform at this task anyway, then take speed reading. It works, and in this case would probably worth the down side. But if it is anything like the courses I took. remember you can't just turn it off. -
I watched this on TV a few years ago, it was entertaining ....
Derren Brown turns 'average man' into pub quiz genius
As a man who cheerfully admitted to having a poor memory and no time for reading books, Glen Brighton's grasp of general knowledge could be politely described as average.
The Telegraph (
Heard an interesting podcast on this awhile back ). Based on the research the answer is essentially, no, speed reading doesn't really work. The tests have shown that you can read really fast by skimming but comprehension goes way down.
Most interesting part of the podcast was about the guy who the movie Rainman was modeled after. He had a disconnect between the hemispheres of his brain that allowed him to read the left page of a book with his left eye and the right page with his right eye - combined with his photographic memory, he could read crazy fast.
I agree with Brodie, speed reading with reasonable comprehension works (in my case), but leaves the color of contemplation, grayed. Even with technological information, it matters to contemplate. So if you must, you speed read. If you have the time, don't:-)