"make faces" plugin in Sketchup7+
Hi guys,
Since moving over to Sketchup 7 I have noticed "make faces" plugin doesn't seem to work as before. It only fills half the faces it should. No problem with geometry. This is with skecthup drawn rectangles with the face deleted first, so they should all definatley fill.
Has anyone else experienced the same, any fixes?
Many thanks,
Jaimie -
Not much advice in the way of help, but I can say that I have not noticed that issue with 7.1. Oftentimes bringing in CAD and using it I end up with unfilled faces but it generally seems to be because of legit reasons - although perhaps sometimes they're not and I don't really know it. Could you post an example file with some linework that doesn't fill in? Be interesting to try it out.
My 7.1 have this problem too