Toolbar Win vs Mac
I've discovered a different behaviour of my toolbar buttons on windows and on mac.
When I press my toolbar-button on windows, the button 'jumps' back and on mac the button keeps pressed.
I have tried to use the .set_validation_proc method to get the same behaviour on both systems, but my solutions don't work. How do I have to manipulate the .set_validation_proc method the get the same toolbar-button-behaviour on mac as on windows-systems? -
What does the button do? activate a Tool?
Are you sure the difference isn't just some OS specific differences in the way the UI behaves?
I try to describe my problem:
I have 3 buttons and each one represents a tool. Now I want the same behaviour as the standard-sketchup toolbar, so that only one tool can be activated at one time. (the button of the selected tool should be pressed)
My solution works only on windows, where I use the flags mf_checked and mf_unchecked in the .set_validation_proc method. -
What I see under Windows is:
If a toolbar button activates a Tool - then the button is pressed until the Tool session ends
If a menu activates a Tool - there is a checkbox next to the menu item until the Tool session ends.And this is done automatically by SU without use for validation procs...
@thomthom said:
And this is done automatically by SU without use for validation procs...
Ok, so I better forget my validaction proc tries.
Another question related to this topic:
Is there a way to keep one of my tools active when I select e.g. the paint bucket tool? -
No. You can stack your own Ruby Tools - but you can't stack the native ones unfortunately.
You've have to recreate the tool.