Corinthian order
Here testing my new workflow. And having fun of course.
Basic structure and some ornaments in SU, dropped them to 3DCoat.
I used a capital model from 3dwh but it was too heavy (60k faces) and problematic topology.
As 3DCoat turns everything to voxels I could perform or the magic booleans and sculpture.
Re-topology then, UVs and baking textures, normal maps and some AO (for dirt)
Imported and rendered in blender internal (3d trees also in blender)
I may write a new tutorial about these, as 3dcoat is a fine instrument of art and eliminates all topological problems of SU. It also exports a very low poly mesh in the end. I didn't re imported to SU (easy to do) because I like Blender internal renderer. I could also import the obj directly to thea but I dont have any idea how it works. -
Great looking model.
@michaliszissiou said:
I may write a new tutorial about these, as 3dcoat is a fine instrument of art and eliminates all topological problems of SU. It also exports a very low poly mesh in the end.
Please do so.
BTW, beautiful work as usual. -
geart , as always.
Thanks sid, numbthumb, majid.
What I gain here is the use of SU again. With all this wonderful UI but not the bad topology export. The tutorial will be simple. Its all about closed (waterproof) volumes, non manifolds free. Then it will be a simple 3dc tut though there're some great already. Textures will be applied or even better painted in 3dc in any case. Superior app on this.
There's a heavy use of normal maps on this render. Most details are painted as normal maps directly on model like sculpturing (3DC) -
Being intrigued by these topology issues ( see my pathetic little post here ) I will certainly be following this with great interest.
Cheers! -
My wish was, give me an edge loop tool for SU. Give me quads not tri only.
It seems that you perfectly understand the problem.
This voxel thing may be a solution. What is fantastic is the unlimited way to perform boolean operations. To have solid UVs. Now SU exports UVs but what UVs? Every, I said every triangular is an island!!!Most people here don't understand this issue with topology. Most people here asking for a renderer with displacement capabilities. Probably they don't know what this means. Just try to subdivide SU topology. An arc opening on a wall. Imagine the topology after 4th subdivision.
Awsome, Michalis!
Have a nice week,
In all honesty, i did not understand how you've done to model this masterpiece, but the result is truly incredible.
Excellent work!ivan
Impressive level of detail
Great job. I'd be very interested in your SU/3dc tutorial.
Lovely stuff, and blender is a good tool isnt it
. Spec to get 3Ds models out of the sketchup free as it reads the only free export. And i agree the internal rendering in blender is good. Try Yafaray also, seems to give some good result after looking it up, i had that before i updated to windows 7. Just have to re download it.
Such a nice full feel to this.
@ken28875, thanks ken. I had your modeling skills in mind when doing this. You may find interesting the su to 3dc pass.
@ivanscotti, thank you
@kev_N, I used normal maps heavily here. So Yafaray isn't good, is not supporting normal maps, whatever they claim. If you managed to do this please inform me. In most cases yafa produces an ugly bump from normals. Major bug.
The Blender internal is advanced enough (particle systems etc) but not a choice for archi presentations. Non, or -recent builds- not the best GI. It has good SSS though, good for skins, portraits. And fast for animations. Real time PP via nodes -this is perfect.
To import SU meshes to blender is easy (SU 6 only, sorry). And this is what I do, so to clean some non manifolds and double vertices if any. To convert collada 1.4 to obj of course. (SUpro has an obj exporter). Its not about blender though, its about to drop this obj to voxels room of 3DC. A new topology now and this is my point.
@prisoner, thanks man.
Another use of 3DC is to import the obj mesh for UVs and painting textures only.SU should have decent obj importer-exporter. The free version I mean.
SU should have a loop-cut tool.
It doesn't because is a 'triangular based' modeler only. This is the secret. (this isn't true but its the only way Su translates geometry in the end) -
@michaliszissiou said:
I could also import the obj directly to thea but I dont have any idea how it works.
Another masterpiece! No doubt I loved to see these rendered with Thea... just be careful, once you give it a try - you might get addicted.
For blender users there is well integrated blender exporter (with a tutorial inside the exporter distribution pack), so you don't necessarily need to do much in Thea.
Funny order of architectural's orders
All are waiting the new tutorial! -
@unknownuser said:
Funny order of architectural's orders
Right pilou, tu avais raison.
Addicted? always, especially in good taste.
BTW this blender exporter has some bugs. Easy for me to directly import obj to thea. -
Sure .obj do work fine, although not as convenient as use of exporter. One important issue to keep in mind with .obj import; when you look Thea ground grid, a small cell is 1x1 meters. It helps you to keep scene in correct scale. Without a correct scale your results will not be as good as they can.
btw have you reported those bug's to grzybu at
I am not much a blender user - learning bit by bit. -
Are the columns you are using the ones I did? If so I am glad they are getting put to good use. Very nice work.
Oh yes, I couldn't remember, of course its yours (the capital only), corbel is may sculpt in 3dc. Columns are mine too but not big deal.
It looks like roman (diocletian baths- Maria degli Angeli)? The problem is that its a over 100K faces model, it also has a non friendly topology for some apps (zbrush, 3DCoat. these apps prefer waterproof meshes) Probably lot of non manifolds. Common problem. what I did? I wrapped a hi def quad mesh around and imported this last as voxels to 3dcoat. Then resculpted some details fast, not accurate. Ended as an 6K faces light mesh with nice UVs and normal map. You have done a very accurate work, I was looking now the ionic capital too. I may use this too, this time some modifications for the corner capital.
All these aren't too accurate of course, its a background for a scene I'm working on. Thats why I didn't import them in SU again, this gonna be heavy, the object in front I mean.
Feel free to use them any way you want. I was just curious how well they worked w/ 3d coat. Ive never tried it. Ive used Zbrush and Mudbox quite a bit but they do not like sketchup meshes at all. In all honesty I'm glad they are getting put to good use. It seems like typical topology (quad models) sketchup doesn't like and vise verse. My only Experience from sketchup to a sculpting app required quite a bit of retopo work for it to even work. This isn't required when you import as voxels in 3d coat?