Jobs using Google Sketchup
Just wondered if any one knows of companies or particular industries that fully utilise Google Sketchup.
GSUP is my most favourite software to use, and would love to pursue a career using it. At the moment I love modelling 3D buildings for Google Earth, some of which you can see here:
I just have a dieing passion to use this software and to pursue it as a profession but have struggled to find somewhere to enquire. Would love any advice about it, thank you.
Andy, firstly welcome to SCF.
There are many jobs that use Sketchup, from kitchen designing, architecture, product design, woodworking, etc.
However for what you are currently doing I'm not sure... unless Google wants to employ you to build the world for them (but I think their cunning plan to get it for free is working well at the moment, especially with all the effort put into GE tools with every upgrade)
Hello Andy and welcome!
Do you know SketchUp Pro Jobs group?
Dont know how much you can get out of this though......but like Solo says, There are so many design branches already using this (passionate relationship building) software. Just hang around and spy out what the members here are designing and find out what you would like to be specializing in.
good luck
Unfortunately you will probably find that most jobs only use SU as a tool to do a larger task. For example, I use SU often in my work. Last week I modeled a small paving detail to help our client visualize what the best paving pattern would be. Just before that I modeled an entire massive city (barely more than boxes and building outlines though) to help show the city where future development should take place and how it should compare in scale, size and shape to the existing city.
Get into any Design or Visualization field and you can find ways to use SU all the time.
@chris fullmer said:
Unfortunately you will probably find that most jobs only use SU as a tool to do a larger task. For example, I use SU often in my work. Last week I modeled a small paving detail to help our client visualize what the best paving pattern would be. Just before that I modeled an entire massive city (barely more than boxes and building outlines though) to help show the city where future development should take place and how it should compare in scale, size and shape to the existing city.
Get into any Design or Visualization field and you can find ways to use SU all the time.
Hi Chris FULLMER, i cant imagine how do I respect u sir
I have a question ..When can I start teaching or become a sketchup instructor ? do I have to speak about plugins ? or only speak about the essential or the native sketchup features ? Can I have a test to make sure that I can teach sketchup ?
Can u do that to me ? -
Heh, nope. I can't help you out there. Truth is, you don't need any certification of any sort to teach SU. You just need to be able to find people who are willing to pay you money. Often times, it turns out that if you are Google Certified than people are more willing to pay you the money
So getting certified is not essential, but it helps. And getting certified might depend on your country. I think it is best to contact Google and find out how they certify trainers in your country. You might find that you can hook up with the local retailer and teach people they sell SU to. (Plus some retailers might employ you as a trainer and then take a percentage of your earnings, and they will pay for your training enrollment fees, but that all dependson the retailer). But here is a link to Google's program to become a certified trainer:
Good luck,
I thought this thread was about Steve Jobs using SketchUp...
@krisidious said:
I thought this thread was about Steve Jobs using SketchUp...
No, that topic is here!
This thread illustrates well how SU is used in design:
@chris fullmer said:
Heh, nope. I can't help you out there. Truth is, you don't need any certification of any sort to teach SU. You just need to be able to find people who are willing to pay you money. Often times, it turns out that if you are Google Certified than people are more willing to pay you the money
So getting certified is not essential, but it helps. And getting certified might depend on your country. I think it is best to contact Google and find out how they certify trainers in your country. You might find that you can hook up with the local retailer and teach people they sell SU to. (Plus some retailers might employ you as a trainer and then take a percentage of your earnings, and they will pay for your training enrollment fees, but that all dependson the retailer). But here is a link to Google's program to become a certified trainer:
Good luck,