Sound Studio
Looks nice but (and I might be the only person to say this) I'm from a music/recording studio background and I think you should base the mixing desk on a real one. Such as a Neve or SSL (solid state logic) desk, as they're the ones used in the worlds best recording studios.
If you need any info at all on how mixers are laid out, let me know! haha
Modelling looks great though
Hey ye defiantly. Could you send me over a plan from above of how they are set out? i seem to need to put the sliders under the dials right? (you can tell im not from the mix industry) would be good then can build this model up?
It's a tricky one to explain in terms of layout unless you know what i'm talking about, also it depends on the level of detail you want to go into.
Basically a mixing desk is split into "channels", each channel has a seperate audio input and the audio "route" through the channel will start at the top and travel through the following sections;
-auxilliary sends
-main faderSo for each channel strip you'll need those sections (i'll post up some links to various documents/photo's showing what they look like). I'd definately model each channel as a component because in reality that's what they'd be as they're almost always fully replaceable.
You could go for an SSL Duality (much easier to find reference images of):, their brochure contains images of the channel strip buttons (page 7):
Ahhhh, just found another one for the SSL that shows exactly what's on the main section of the channel strip:
What you've got looks good but isn't necessarily "technically" correct - but most people probably wouldn't care about that though, I guess i'm just a stickler for accuracy haha.
[edit: removed the Neve mixing desk as there's not really enough reference material to model from - definately go for the SSL!]
wow that helps alot, thanks, will take some time to get the model totally detailed and sketchup isnt the best after the amount of "bugsplats"
Thanks again mate
Lookin' good!
Now you need a comfortable chair for the operator and couches for the groupies!
Cheers, im working on a vocal area just out of shot. ye will have to model some sofas , working on the mic and the headphones at mo too. shall keep them posted.
Ok shall take a look at the curve change. Learning lots doing this. After all its just a bit of fun
but like to make it right