UI.messagebox "beep"
@honoluludesktop said:
Jim, that looks good. Not in the API?
It's there.
http://code.google.com/apis/sketchup/docs/ourdoc/ui.html#messageboxBut the return value constant isn't. See the comments at the bottom of the page.
The API doesn't mention anything about being able to use a certain icon series by adding a values to the MB constants.
I wonder if the return values are still the same in this case?
Ah, yea I see now what you mean. Yea - these should be mapped. I had been wishing for such control - similar to what I had in VB and C#.
What would probably make it easier to map out was to print out the binary value so we can see which bits are turned on.
32.to_s(2) 100000 48.to_s(2) 110000 64.to_s(2) 1000000 80.to_s(2) 1010000 272.to_s(2) 100010000
How do I "add some constant value" to the following?
UI:messagebox "my text "+variable, MB_OK
Use the bitwise And operator to combine flags:
Messagebox with Yes/No button and question mark icon:
UI.messagebox('Hello World', MB_YESNO | 32)
The Win32 API docs helped:
0x00000010 = 16
Question:0x00000020 = 32
Explaination (Yellow Alert Triangle):0x00000030 = 48
Information (Blue Info Circle):0x00000040 = 64
[16,32,48,64,80].each { |i| puts i.to_s(2).rjust(8,'0') } 00010000 00100000 00110000 01000000 01010000
I went thru this a fee months ago or so:
It's a Win only thing so far as I know, but I'd like to see what happens on the Mac.
Here's a text report of all the integers and the resultant button styles you get. (I believe some of the icons are deprected, specifically the question icon.)
@thomthom said:
Use the bitwise And operator to combine flags:
Messagebox with Yes/No button and question mark icon:
UI.messagebox('Hello World', MB_YESNO | 32)
That's actually the Or operator... but you knew that
Sorry... pedantic mode, off!
@Dan: I've also always wondered what all the obviously-Win32-API-based things did on the Mac version... I always assumed they just translated stuff to the appropriate Mac system-calls/constants, but it would be nice to know for sure.
@runnerpack said:
@thomthom said:
Use the bitwise And operator to combine flags:
Messagebox with Yes/No button and question mark icon:
UI.messagebox('Hello World', MB_YESNO | 32)
That's actually the Or operator... but you knew that
I swear there's a little brain-gnome that intercepts and swaps words before they reach the hands...