LayOut 3 running slow or locking up
I am trying to create some black and white line drawings from a detailed Sketchup model. When I import the SkUp model into LayOut, the program runs fine until I try to change the style - I then get the "wheel of death" and no progress. Also, when trying to change the imported model from "Raster" to "Vector or "Hybrid" (in order to adjust line weights) - the software freezes and I have to force quite (12 times now).
Any suggestion as to what I can do to make this run faster - I might have to go back to CAD, but I hope not. I am using a 2009 Macbook Pro with 4 GB of RAM.
i'm having the same prob. on PC. locks, closes or just quits.
i get through 2-3 levels of angry birds per vec render. line drawing only.