Heading into First Nations Territory at 5AM
I have just returned to bilagana'a land from three wonderful days shooting photos with the Dine. Went to the very base of Shiprock and decided they cast the wrong mountain in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."
And as amazing as the rock is. I say rock, but the entire top half was covered by clouds this morning, the volcanic spines that lead up to the rock are incredible. They are strait as an arrow and as thin as paper (in a geologic scale) and have been collapsing for millions of years. When you get close to them you start thinking about when the last rock fell off the wall and when the next one will.
In many ways this was a journey to another planet.
Really need to stay six months instead of three days. Push pulling a vitual model of Shiprock would be an awesome project if I could get a filmmaker to pay the bill.
I for one would be interested in any images you would be willing to share, even if watermarked. The terrain sounds very interesting.
Shiprock, New Mexico
Shiprock's volcanic spine -
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos, Roger ...great composition!
Great shots - I love how you have got the rising(?) sun stiking the mountain only and illuminating it! Brilliant.
Excellent! Very nice compositions.
would make a great hdri!
Thank you for sharing your work. Excellent photographs!
Overlook in the Petrified Forest National Park
Photo Copyright Roger Hawkins 2010
All rights reserved -
Photo copyright Roger Hawkins 2010
All rights reservedThis is a not quite 180 degree panorama I shot on the way home. It is composed of nine overlapping shots. I wanted to show the mix of blue sky and bad ass storm. My wife got a little nervous about driving into the storm.