Kouros head
That's really well done and the texture is superb.
Who's the next? Antinous or Apollo?
wow! that really could be a photo! amazing work michalis!
Great work. Have you ever played with Sculptris?
Thanks, I appreciate this.
@matteo: Apollo of Olympia belongs to the same school like this one. Antinous is greek-roman (or hellenistic) I think, its much easier to sketch it.
Yes dale I know sculptris. You know a beta similar version already exists in blender sculpt 'room'. Its all about dynamic topology. In any case in voxels or sculptris-like apps, you have to re topologize the whole mesh and go for a final surface sculpting (zbrush is the king). Its a long story. This here is a 12k faces model, podium v2 doesn't support normal maps for the moment but I like this kray clone renderer.