Looking GREAT, Philip...!!
Awesome vegetation. The top bar on the railing is a bit huge for my liking.
It's a trick ? A real pictures not ? Congrats...
Nice pic, but if you want it to look more realistic, the cannabis plants need to be bushier ;D
Thanks guys! Vegetation's all from Solo's garden pack.
LOL you gave me an idea Lyall, gonna see if I can sneak in a marihuanaplant in a commercial job sometime
Roof material might be scaled down, unless that is a common size in your part of the world.
yeah it's pretty common in Holland, that size. maybe a tad smaller, but not much. I wouldn't be surprised if the pebbles are in the picture that Flipya has photoshopped his render into.
@honoluludesktop said:
Roof material might be scaled down, unless that is a common size in your part of the world.
That is in the original photograph if I'm not mistaken.
It is just the decking, balustrade and plants/furniture that is modelled/rendered and photoshopped in and extremely well done also.Nicely done, it looks very convincing
Yep, Dylan and Martha are right. Roofmaterial is part of the underlying original picture, no modelling done on that. Thanks again for comments