Rectangular Surface Subdivision Plugin
Does anyone know of a plugin that randomly subdivides a rectangular surface into rectangles and squares and possibly be able specify the largest and smallest subdivision? I'm looking to do a layout pattern for stone pavers, random sized with size limitations and thought I saw a surface subdivide plugin a while back. Thanks.
I don't readily have the answer, but you got me to thinking about Bur's component spray, or Protrude by ?
Also, check out Ruby Library Depot(Didier Bur's database) to see if something is in there that you are looking for.
Anybody else? -
Jim Foltz has a protrude tool that has a division tool built in.
I also think that someone else wrote a more intricate one, come to think of it. But suddenly I can't think who it was. Maybe its built into the 1001 tools? Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
And once you get your pavers made, also check out my extrapolate colors script and random color script to randomly apply colors to your pavers once you get them made.
Thanks Chris and mitcorb; I'll try Jim's poltrude tool. Checked the Ruby library Depot, but didn't see it; 1001 tools has other handy tools but not random sized rectangles. I'll check out extrapolate colors and random colors.
My Protrude works on perfectly rectangular fae only, so that may be limiting. It is here:
Thomas also added a face division tool to his Edge Tools: