Andrija thank you for the kind words very encouraging
rollin45 as soon as I get the "yard" up and running I will invite you to come ride with me...thanks for your comment -
Look how grand our Brookville BL20G locomotive has become, all shiny bright out of the wash bay ready to haul a fancy passenger train……….rendered by Marcus alias d12dozr
thank you Marcus you really did the loco proud -
Cheers, Dolf...glad you like it - of course any good render starts with a good model
Sometimes I feel like inflicting pain on myself then i decide to draw a steam loco (my first love) but the polly count goes out the window before I've even got going
In my dreams i dream of a mega laptop that can deal with 100mb drawings......
Time to get my feet back on the ground for a while.....back to my other love....
I am re-starting a project that stalled a while back A GE AC4400 -
Hi, I am new to this site - I found it whilst searching Google images. Having looked through the gallery there are some really impressive models on this site!!
What I am actually looking for is a close up of a block brake assembly and a close up of a disc brake assembly on a train. It is for an illustration in my PhD thesis, which is all about rail brakes. Does anybody here have such an image that they would be happy for me to use?
Williby try this site http://www.freepatentsonline.com/login.html you have to join but it is free if you are patient with search engines you should get what you want... good luck
Thanks Dolphus - great idea - I found exactly what I was looking for
long time NO POST ???? well i have decided to finish some of my "resting projects" this is a 73 meter long Schnabel load of a 7 meter diameter steel silo section
.......just a mini update.....
Hi long time No post.....well I've started railroading again here is a unpainted new Gunderson Multi-Stack iii 4 unit articulated well car.....
Who can hazard a guess?
Fantastic as always!
@dolphus said:
Time to get my feet back on the ground for a while.....back to my other love....
I am re-starting a project that stalled a while back A GE AC4400Ahaaa...that is how you transfer all that detail. Very smart. I can see that saving an great deal of time. I think I will use that one in the future.
Looking great as always dolphus.
@joppermann said:
Ahaaa...that is how you transfer all that detail. Very smart. I can see that saving an great deal of time. I think I will use that one in the future.
Glad to have helped....
@unknownuser said:
Fantastic as always!
Thank you......
@d12dozr said:
A handcart?
No ...a hand car has been done already....something different!!!
thanks for the comments chaps
very cool trains and all
No accurate guesses yet!.....here are 2 more clues....
@coremaster110 said:
very cool trains and all
thanks for the comment
do you have make for history design railway in the world. -
Thanks for the complement Ahmad ..... but unfortunately I don't understand your query....sorry