Very cool, retro looking, yet new tech.
@jon said:
A lot of sketchup, photoshop, and Thea.
..Very nicely done Jon! Awesome!
Care to share the settings for the bloom? -
Thanks a lot guys.
D-space, the bloom in this one was set up using photoshop. It was actually achieved using- the method for traditional photoshop bloom (duplicating, blurring and screening the original layer (bloom layer was at about 25 percent opacity)
- artificial depth of field
- a raised exposure offset and gamma correction
- and a vertical grain filter (intensity and contrast very low (grain layer at about 50 percent)
The "traditional photoshop bloom" layer was a small contributor to the bloom effect in this image. I wish I could post the specific settings, but I didn't save them.
Thanks for the comments.
Thanks Jon.
I was thinking about the bloom in Thea, some % adjustments etc...any clue? -
No bloom was added in Thea. Only photoshop.
Great job, Jon.
Have a nice day!
Great, clean image. Really nice work. The camera angle and composition of the shot is right on!
excellent photo..i mean render!! i really would be fooled into believing its a photo!!
Nice job. One note - the texture of the base is competing with the camera and blurs the composition and the main focus.
Great render and pp..very photoreal.
That looks great!
Awesome work.
Downloaded the beta today and will try it out this evening. Is it faster than vray?I will start modelling my Canon EOS 400d soon...i hope!
Thanks a lot for the comments.
I haven't tried out Vray, but I can tell you that Thea is fast.