Pull up a stool, slam dancing render masters...
Still no UV mapping...
Hmm... I posted a quick render already, I did it, so waiting others to do so...
Because some people claim here that I don't use the right app or so...
Update: the last one "with bricks" has a decent mapping, not real UV though. -
@unknownuser said:
Still no UV mapping...
Michalis, there was no mention about UV mapping, why is this such an issue to you?
Yes pete, you know better than me. Durant is a great artist (IMO), some possibilities here. Good computing is about 'imputs' and 'outputs'. I don't claim that SU is a bad app. It just 'spoils' us with all these friendly functions. We have to thing about topology, just this.
Now I have the feeling that its more difficult to understand me than Durant. -
@michaliszissiou said:
Still no UV mapping...
Hmm... I posted a quick render already, I did it, so waiting others to do so...
Because some people claim here that I don't use the right app or so...
Update: the last one "with bricks" has a decent mapping, not real UV though.does this look mapped? ( bonzai3D )
OK, its bonzai then. But please give us a full view, just to see a bad topology's problems. Now you don't want me to post a zbrush preview, do you? This problem is documented in details, search zbrushcentral for this. BTW I managed to UV map this in zbrush (using new UV master plugin). When modeling in SU there is always a different approach. Its possible anyway.
Hey modelhead, too offensive... Please don't do this.
"When modeling in SU there is always a different approach. Its possible anyway." Try to understand and to learn something.
I don't have to prove to you or anybody else that I can model fast almost anything in SU. Stop this please. The fact is that Durant has a problem and you don't really help him. -
is this what you wanted to see?
Please xrok1, give us a nice texture, but bonzai app looks capable to do it. Thats good. I'm wandering though, this texture looks weird. You know what UV mapping is, do you?
Bring it in.
What the small blue lettering says is, "Single poly with many more then 4 sides."
Whatever the Jack -- I understand that this is a drag.
D the FH
OK durant, you understand the problem.
The magic wang, out of the magic castle, in plain sunlight, its just a wang, its a piece of wood. (after Wittgenstein)
Its a possibility though, to lead us to a possible magic castle. Think about it. -
Brothers and Sisters,
Bring it the bird on Jack?
Oh, and make it a 3D jackal mechanical bird.
So, I'm about to pour a few for you all, and I do so wish I could e-mail them cold and all through to you.
At the close of the day, I trust in good will -- the support of the persons who are bringing it, and the freedom to do so.
The insight and thoughts are very much like quality Porn to this Jacking bird of pray.
What is Big Ape Cobb Kinko's all about doing for me?
This has yet to show up, but Ape Cobb is a quiet bundle of info, so I'm not always feeling I'm understanding what his action is all about.
Before I go there, what am I doing?
Ape Cobb is showing me some images that are like car engines floating in these strange locations, and yeah, some are really floating with animation.
They are turning and spinning with blur and some have fire coming out of them -- not much like a game, more like they are on strings -- very real -- lots of detail.
Bring that, I need a camel, and a new trip out the back to enjoy.
Bounce over here, Mr. Ape Cobb and click me up a storm of quality animation.
As clear as this, he uses Maya and some other zbrush, 3dsmax, and from what I under stand that ZboneBrush ain't playing nice with our boy SU.
So, I just want to have my action -- my models -- all floating around like that with some meat puppets perhaps or glossy curves all effected with heat waves.
Ape Cobb says, "No, go, SketchUp..."
I posted said model of "landing foot" for inspection as I felt it might be crack or built in a manner that was most annoying.
I have more from AC, but will need to make a call, and will be back.
Durant "the fire is in my head" Hapke
Brothers and Sisters,
Bring me a big Jack snow ball, and a paper cone.
Last of the punches is this bit of "what?"
Durant "I will go get serious about pouring now" Hapke
That G looks exactly like the one I converted straight to .stl using Deep exploration.
S to the Olo,
Right on -- I'm thinking this is a party of who's doing the learning perhaps -- this DH or the Cobb.
I'm feeling like I need to be a smarter bullet.
D the FH
No matter how offensive you were guys, one for sure. I made Durant to speak english
Now we all speak english or at least a human language do we? A 3d language? -
In way of clarification -- the images posted -- those of the landing hook in various actions, are from the Ape Cobb of Kink's -- not my doing -- nor do I fully Jack bird grasp their totality.
D the FH
PS -- Blue text is from the Ape Cobb as Jack word well.
I like a fresh drink, oh, a tall one? Yeah.
Bring the Ape -- the Cobb Ape speaks.
First, the blue text in said attached image says:
%(#4000BF)[A -- Base model imported to Max
B -- Base model subdivided
C -- Model after automated cleaning in sketchup with plugin
D -- Model after manually correcting (here a word I can't read -- vertices per-hacks?) on multi-sided polygons to maintain quad construction
E -- Model with points connected (selecting all vertices and drawing connecting lines randomly)
G -- Model with points connected after subdividing (Improvement)]
Cobb of the planet of the Apes goes Jack bird on to say:
%(#4000BF)[Durant the F,
What we are getting into here is not a question of rendering it, it's a question of:
A. subdividing for added detail and imperfections (zBrush).
B. proper UV'ing (not just planar or box mapping)
C. being able to rig for animation (for rigid bodies, might not be a problem, but any deformation, like cables or accordion valves etc. would get to use your term "jacked up")
D. being able to cut the model in a predictable way (ex: for shattering or destruction simulations)SketchUp is a great program. It's not the tool itself, it's how the model is built. Not being a primary user of SU, I can't speak to how it might introduce additional issues/problems, by creating co-planar faces or extraneous vertices.]
So, what? -- I'm guessing it's not a slam dance of a modeling practice issue -- not me or the way I model such action.
Oh, and there is this student over on campus who the Cobb Ape introduced me to who is going to write an article on me for some rag -- that I think I can get done with a lighter and a few brown bottles.
Durant "swimming away from shore" Hapke
PS -- And is the style, I blasted in "what the Jack bird" -- not the Ape.
Model to the Head,
Slam dancing dug dig your popping animated film action.
Not at all Jack bird far from where I'm thinking I'm craving to head.
As for my deepening understanding of all things complex render... I'm smoking a big pile of mystery.
This as it is, I'm feeling growing lust -- growing heat -- and creative Jack hotness.
Upon cracking my first cold can this AM, I was treated to the following from the mind of Kink's Cobb Ape:
%(#4000BF)[Durant F,Regarding the image Solo referred to (G), this was just me doing by hand what Deep Exploration probably did automatically to make the .STL, namely connect the dots. This is good, and yields the best results so far. His STL file has the cleanest subdivide, but still is not perfect for two reasons-
A. because it connects randomly, you end up with a lot of concentration of geo in areas rather than a nice even distribution, and
B. you also have it drawing across open areas, though less than before.Problem B. can be solved somewhat by welding vertices, which ties down the corners, so to speak.
We are very close to a solution, much thanks to Solo. The main issue is getting a nice evenly distributed topology (closer to squares than stretched out triangles)
UV's are not ideal but workable - as you can see in the image, they're a bit random, but this can be adjusted (I can relax the problem areas to get more evenly distributed texture space).
Are you planning to come by the store today?
(Ape Cobb)]That's the deal on that, and I'm Jack bird wanting to bring a flaming hose up into my models.
Regardless, AC is about bringing it now, and has these image churning out, I'm want to eat them.
The Jack bird last image is a freak show of love sex.
Durant "hungry fire" Hapke
Well durant and all other friends here. And especially pete.
Question: from SU to zbrush or 3d print or any other app. Is it possible?
Yes. At least via '3dCoat'. Export SU model as obj (SU-pro). Import to 3dCoat in voxels mode (please learn about voxels). This will force 3dcoat to retopo the whole mesh, ask for a one million poly or more density. Voilà. Now export .obj via 3dcoat decimation and reduce it to 20000-100000 poly. Import it to zbrush for example. Now we can paint, sculpt, UV map etc.
Conclusion: We can use SU for base messes or for 3d print, but we need an app capable to retopo the whole thing.
And thats really good news. You just have to pay for SU pro and 3dCoat in this case.Here's zbrush. Up to millions of poly, we can sculpt and paint as we like.
See topology here. Its quite friendly for sculpt.
D...to the u...an the ...rant Ha...to .....the.....pke if i knew what you were doing .....i would comment most likely favourably ...but ...as i don't know let me just say looking at your project saves me a fortune in "substances" cause i get high on IT good work well done Fus...of the......