Apartament building in Argentina + update
Very nice.
One question. The trees (not palm trees)....are these trees free and if they are do you mind posting link. -
Thanks Sepo
and trees are from FF
Well done rcossoli!
My only comment is the quality of the women paste-in by the pool in the rendered version looks starkly out of place.
Thanks Cyberdactyl, and yes the woman are out of place there.
those first few certainly convinced me. thanks for showing the sketchup output as well.
excellent set. love them..
These are really pretty nice and the detailing is great. Some crits would be:
What is going on inside the VW (white car)?
Some of the people need to be blended better to the background.
The green glass on the balconies looks odd. The trees look a bit over saturated.
The televisions in the weightroom look a bit blown out.
In the last image I see no handles on the doorwalls to open them from the outside.Scott
Great! At last someone in this forum designed a building that exceeds 3 floors!
Good job, very clean and well rendered. -
First, thank you all for your comments: sketchup_fan, scottpara, nomeradona and marked001.
scottpara: I can not tell the truth goes on inside that car, I can only comment on things that are rare.
About the people and trees're right, and on television (I could fix in photoshop) and items to open the windows from the outside are details that escaped me. -
It is all about the details.
2 more shots!
C&C are wellcome -
The last two:
The 2d lady looks bad, I suggest removing her, she adds nothing to scene and does not blend.
The last one needs sharpening.
Thanks for the tips Solo, who is sharpening?