Fountain Pen
Thanks for the info Ross, nice sketch and nice to see you are still around.
The Speedball nibs I can get locally. Constantly dipping while sketching might drive me nuts but it is worth a shot. Also, I talked with a couple friends who have some Fountain pens I can try. One is probably pretty cheap as I am told it is messy to deal with; the other is a Mont Blanc (Girl with an extravagant pen collecting boyfriend). She says it is "girly"
Today I spent the better part of a day cleaning my old Rapidograph pens. 3 of the 7 had dried up, rather I should say I left ink in 3 of the 7
Right now I am sketching with Pilot razor point felt pens and like the results. However I plan on doing some watercolor soon and I am pretty darn sure they will bleed bad.
Anyway, here are some sketches I did a while back with the Rapidographs.
No coffee stains, or ink spots on this one:-)
I've had great luck with the Faber-Castel pens
And also the micron pens, those are great and I'm 99% sure they are completely waterproof. And they have a large variety of pen tip sizes too, which is nice.
Dont get the CROSS FOUNTAIN PEN _that is offered to you when flying, at least in BA (British Airways, that I always loved.).
just bought it and it fails___ ___ ____ ___ without ink after ten lines. You have to shake the deposit each time to follow.
Not too bad but uncomfortable. cheers all. -
First off thanks again for all the advice. I have had some time to try out some pens and I am not set on one I like yet. I have borrowed a (I know it's girly) Waterman Audace Evening in Paris pen which is nice and balanced well but the nib is too wide for me and it does not flow well as it hangs up quite a bit. Pav, I ordered the pilot V-pen disposable fountain and like it better than the Waterman but again, it is a bit too wide. The medium nib pens were free shipping, the fine point were not.
I am still leaning toward the Pilot Razor Point felt for my drawings although I am going to break out the Rapidographs again this week.
Unfortunately the only FP I have been able to try before I buy is the Waterman. I just might have to take a trip to the Artlite store in Atlanta.
I also got a few new Moleskine sketchbooks. They are very nice. Almost too nice to draw in
I like using Pilot fine Felt Pens for most things. This has been an inspiring thread. Problem I have that whenever I use such a pen at a meeting it seems a client immediately rubs his finger in it and smears it up.
one more push for a wacom and a laptop
especially now that the intuos is wireless.
@tomislavm said:
TOZ Penkala International d.o.o. -
Tvornica Olovaka Zagreb TOZ Penkala - izbor široke palete proizvoda vrhunske kvalitete. Objedinivši dugogodišnje iskustvo i suvremene tehnologije uz poštivanje ekoloških i zdravstvenih...
I don't know about the pens but the website is enchanting.
Edit: Except scrolling doesn't work!
tomislavm, i deleted your post by accident, sorry. It looked a lot like spam on casual browsing and it had been reported as such, but i realise on following the link that it was actually quite relevant to the thread. Once again, my apologies.
Eric, your sketches are fabulous. I'm very impressed!
Did you learn this style from anywhere, or is it your own? I like the way you sketch your trees, I must try this.
@unknownuser said:
Eric, your sketches are fabulous. I'm very impressed!
Did you learn this style from anywhere, or is it your own? I like the way you sketch your trees, I must try this.
Yes I am impressed too, my sketches that I make with a pencil is not as good as Eric's.
Thanks guys.
Dylan, the style is pretty much my own but I did study pen and ink in college and have tons of pen and ink books I reference from time to time.