The Most Sincere Company Disclaimer Ever
Buy n Large's website privacy information:
@unknownuser said:
In order to access services through our site, you must provide us with certain personal information such as your name, your Vari-Credit number and expiration date, your Vari-Credit billing address, your telephone number, your e-mail address and the name or names of the person(s) in your immediate family. We may also ask you for other personal information, such as your medical history.
All acquired customer information becomes the property of the Buy n Large corporation and can be used (but is not limited to) any venture the Buy n Large Corporation deems beneficial to it. By visiting Buy n Large (or a Buy n Large partner) the user agrees to relinquish (if requested) any personal assets that may be deemed "usable" by the Buy n Large Corporation; this includes (but is not limited to) real estate, stock holdings, user transportation, employment income and the users "soul" (either real or imagined, regardless of spiritual or religious affiliation).
By visiting the Buy n Large website you become a registered member of the Buy n Large Database. You may not unsubscribe to this database at any time.
Buy n Large will share your personal information with third parties whenever it deems such sharing to be advantageous to it, including when you engage in certain activities on our site such as using a menu, viewing, clicking your mouse or breathing. Buy n Large will also share your personal information when you respond to promotional materials from Buy n Large and authorize a third party to use your personal information for purposes such as, for example, sending you additional promotional materials that further obligate you (and your family) to receive additional promotional materials, providing you a product or service, or entering you in a contest, sweepstakes or game that will usually require a financial obligation on the part of the user.
By visiting Buy n Large you are contractually obligated to read all email that is sent to you via the Buy n Large servers. Failure to do so will be considered of a breach of contract.
We automatically log all information about your computer's connection to the Internet, which we call "Buy n Large Property". Buy n Large Property consists of things such as IP address, operating system and type of browser software being used and the activities conducted by the user while on our site (or other sites). We may also use some of the Buy n Large Property, such as the pages you visited on our site (or other sites), to send you e-mail messages (such as "Buy n Large requires you to join our Buy n Large Corporate Street Team. Failure to do so will result in legal action") focused on products that we feel you should (or must) be interested in and now are contractually obligated to be interested in.
From time to time we may add or enhance services available on the site to increase our market share. We will use the information you provide to increase our market share and facilitate any program that is deemed beneficial to the Buy n Large Corporation. For example, if you email us with a question, we will use your email address, name, nature of the question, etc. to assist the Buy n Large Corporation in acquiring new assets. This includes using your question and likeness in publicity materials as the submission of any data to the Buy n Large Corporation immediately transfers your status as a "user" to "Promotional Entity". This status is life long and binding. Please see the Promotional Entity contract at for more information on your obligations.
Buy n Large is the corporation form wall-e isnt it?
@remus said:
Buy n Large is the corporation form wall-e isnt it?
I was thinking the same thing, it was the same company that made the world into a wasteland?
Yes, it is. Before the movie was shown on theaters they created this fake website of the corporation, which is hilarious.