Skindigo? What do you say?
Hello, I came accross Skindigo, and beside a pretty name I am not sure what it has.
Any experience with it?
I am looking for a landscape oriented 3d photorealistic rendering tool.
Waddya say?? -
Skindigo is just the exporter for indigo, you want to have a look here for info on the renderer itself:
@zdouk said:
I am looking for a landscape oriented 3d photorealistic rendering tool.
In that case I'd say thatyou should take a look at Vue...
I have no personal experience with Vue, but I've seen some awesome landscape renders made with it...
Unfortunately SU won't be able to handle high poly models and landscapes is a challenge...
I am afraid you are wrong
Skindigo/indigo has Instancing and Proxies. This means that you can replace a 10K ploy tree by a simple 6face cube in your SKP file, and since it is instanced, it will be exported only once
As a registered user i can tell you Indigo + Skindigo is a very powerful tool
See this Thread from the indigo forum : I made a 3D with 2500 trees, no problem, and this with a good old laptop with only 2Go ram(yes, b the time, i was a poor student and i had no funds to buy a powerful computer ! ) (Djegoo from indigo forum)