Couple new pool renders (Vray)
Thanks Jason! Gotta love Ron's waterfall brushes for PS!
Yeah, I’m not liking the cedars at all. A nice row of blue spruce would be killer… Other than that I like the plantscape. Too bad this isn’t one of yours, I’m sure your gonna have more pools in the pipeline once you finish up the current pool job.
I don't know Captain..I try and keep Blue Spruce away from the pool. Needles are too sharp. I like perhaps Cryptomeria with Crape Myrtles, or keeping the Yellow dogwood and doing Heritage River Birch instead of the Blue Atlas. Fastigiata Blue Atlas might work there, but the regular cultivar gets like 25' wide.
I hope to land some more Pool designs and installs. Fact is, I should be out selling spring work right now instead of freezing my azz off doing masonry by day and other contractors designs by night. I'm almost done our current pool job, then I have to try and really market for spring work. Here's a progress timeline of the current pool build I put together - Kind of neat to see the progression from render to build.
great work mate
Very nice adam, difficult scene, I really like them.
Thanks Michalis and Oli!
Good job Adam, I liked your Facebook album and its clear that you guys know your stuff (that's coming from a cementhead)
Excellent work - on the renders and on the job!
Thanks Marcus. Yeah, the construction is what I'm doing for 50+ hours a week. Running the business, sales, design and rendering gets squeezed into the remaining 30 hours of my 80 hour work weeks. Needless to say, I don't often have near as much time as I'd like to spend on my modeling and rendering. This year, hopefully I can hire a good project manager and get out of the field...although it's in my blood and I'd probably miss it too much!!
@earthmover said:
I'd probably miss it too much!!
You can play in the "sandbox" whenever you like!
Adam, you're a man with many skills. I hope you'll get the extra-time that you need so bad.
Stefan -
what the F..word!! i thought at first they were photos, wow bro, very nice renders!! only critic is output, i think its too small to enjoy all the details, anyway awsome renders!
Thanks Teo....means a lot coming from your bro! I should probably double my output size. What size do you typically output renders at? My render times were like 12 minutes on these, so I could afford to go bigger.
Stefan, thanks for the kind words.
Very inspiring post-pro , I get too do many similar projects like these of patio's and damn I could really improve
Awesome renders, Adam!
great work