Cartoon cars
Fantastic modeling my favorite is the "Dozer" but they are all very good ...hope to see you display many more well done keep it up.....
well done
, seeing forward to see more from ,you. or maybe some description on modeling
That's very cool vehicles caricatures!
wow, it's so cool
i love it. -
Excellent! Please keep them coming!
Wow, that is some very nice modeling. I love the little car, looks pretty mean with that exhaust pipe and the heavy duty leaf springs
This is great! Keep them coming
You first old car is fantastic ! I'd like to render it
Thanks for the kind words everybody! James, I haven't kept track of my time. I sit and do it while I watch TV.
So here's the tires and wheels.
Hey Luis, let's chat about a render
Wow you are a true sketchup master! How many plugins did you use for this....gret work!
The only plugin I used is DB's Skin plugin.
awe-some!! mind seeing the hidden geometry?
Sweet, rockin Lambo! The colors work wonders. I subscribed to your (pretty new)blog, too...good stuff there
BTW, have you seen the newest lamborghini?
Great Scott (he he he) better and better keep them coming
Here's the hidden Geometry, as requested.
wow lambo is beautiful!
The lambo is spectacular especially the wheels, they are truly masterful wish I could get a tyre to look that good ....keep on posting
, -
Great stuff. Nice clean modeling.