Still lovin' the hell out of TwilightRender UPDATE-01/01
I love the trees and good render too. High poly stuffs?
Excellent stuff, Tom
so are all the leaves etc in hidden components?
yeah these look great, much nicer than your old ones I think...although i'm guessing these are supposed to be more realistic?
Thanks alot, Guys...the Live Oak on the right is my fav so far too. But I won't quit till I get a handle on some sweet little Pin Oaks :`)
Oli, yes...more realistic, but not really PR: NQPR, I guess. I am going for two things: a full 3D trunk/branch habit which can be rotated (or the view rotated) to see the multiple changing sides of each tree: so the face-me leaf-bunch png components are each anchored to the branches instead of anchored to the center of the tree as a group. (Note I've rotated the background trees for this image from the last.) Since this forces a higher poly tree structure, I'm using higher res images so they don't "break down" as soon when used in the foreground...hopefully, thus adding some more value for the byte cost.
Dspace, sorta...these are 1meg to 1.5meg, but such is deceiving because the leaf image is 500-600k, so the poly is limited mainly to the tree trunk/branches.
I added Oak 5 to this image...done, to this stage anyway: first render test. Right now I'm thinking the light to dark mix of the leaves is a bit too contrast-y in some, if not all (whadaya'll think?), and the big branches off the trunks need more realistic transitioning (and of course, I haven't spent enough time rotating bark textures.
Hoping here to hear some little nags I might be able to fix for you guys (my future customers :`)
I'd definitely use these....nice to see some generic style trees that you could scatter round a model.
YEH's 6 & 7 framed by 2 & 5:
Absolutely loving these!
I must pick up the pack when it's finished! Are they all Oak trees or are they different ones? I would love to have a pack of various different trees that are found throughout UK, so maybe some Maple, Silver Birch, Willows, etc. Ooo... A Willow would be very nice
Are you using image entities for the parts or exploded to materials on faces?
I read your comments about V-ray at the bottom of your plant pack page at solospace but on a side note, as I was told at the Twilighrender forum, image entities may take ages to antialias in TL.
Though of course, the user can always explode the images for himself and in case it is better for someone to have the images, it is better to start with them.
And yes, they are indeed beautiful.
By far the best SU trees ive seen, i keep looking at them and going 'oooh, ahhh'
Dont supposewe could have a couple of wire frame views?
Remus, thanks...and here ya go (answer whatever you were wondering? :`)
Gai, thanks again...the wireframes should answer your question (yes, exploded) and as you probably recall from the Twilight forum: if copies of these components are rotated in a model, they will need to be exploded and regrouped individually for rendering programs (or all the leaf face-me's of that tree component will retain the camera direction of the last copy).
Steve, good to hear...and maybe I should ask for some packaging market research here: I use PayLoadz and PayPal to deliver my trees (great combo BTW, thank you Solo) which charge a flat rate per transaction plus a percentage: so I settled on $33 bundles as a good trade-off. So far I've set my sights on 4 bundles (17+ trees each) in this series: loosely oaks, maples, "willows", "birch"...or, I suppose, more accurately: crumpled leaves, pointy leaves, elongated leaves, oviod leaves. Each set will take me about a the series ought to be done by spring, hopefully. But overwhelming support for smaller sets, say 10 trees for $22, could push me that way...?
To be honest, I think 10 trees per set sounds like sufficient variety.
So if I'm interpreting the images correctly, the leaves are all face-me images?
Also, how kind of computer specs do you have and how smooth do the models of the trees rotate and pan on your computer? I have an i7 computer with a Quadro FX1700 graphics card but I also have a weedy laptop that cannot handle much, which I use quite often also.
Thanks! Keep us updated