Snow scene
This one started out as a simple experiment to add snow to a scene. I just randomly grabbed an old patio model I designed for a client a few years ago and did a quick test using these plugins in this order - Drape Cpoints, Tringulate Points, Subdivide and Smooth & Sculpt Tools. The method worked better than I expected and I was able to add snow in less than 5 minutes of work.
I imported into Max and added a few 3D Onyx trees, which I also added snow to, by selecting all polygons from the top view with "Ignore Backfacing" turned on. (Wish SU had this) I detached a clone of the tree polygons, then added a shell and relax modifier to make the snow. I then thought it would be funny/ironic to have a snowman cooking burgers on the snowy patio.
It was a fun little test and gave me some good ideas for sending out Holiday cards next season to my landscape customers.
sweet man, absolute beauty! thats how muych snow we've got at the fact its worse!
did you make snow in max or su? looks very natural how you've modeled it well done.
Very cool Adam.
I like the scene a lot.
Talking about snow, I have a new quick technique on making snow in SU, but I'm so distracted/busy/lazy/full of crap that I will say things like I'm going to make a tutorial and never get to it. So when you next want to do snow, let me know and I will put something together.
Here is an example of where I used this technique this year for a client (architect client that wanted a house we worked this year as the focus in a Christmas card)(this is not the version we settled on).
Thanks Oli.
Made the snow in Sketchup in less than 5 minutes.
Technique is as follows....try it, it's cake!
- Group area
- Run Drape CPoints plugin (TIG) set the spacing based on the size of the group. Plugin will create a box of Cpoints above group and drop them down on the Z, creating a mold of points.
- Select Draped Cpoints and run Triangulate Points plugin (TIG)
- Select triangulated mesh and run SDS with 1 interation (Subdivide & Smooth found at
- Use Sculpt tools and push/smooth area as needed
- Subdivide with another iteration is necessary
Another way that works well and cuts out the need to own the Subdivide and Smooth plugin is to use the "Create 3D mesh from points" plugin from Krill. After step 2, you can select all Cpoints and run Krill's plugin. Choose Z calculation method as averaging and bump up the steps. You'll get a clean subdivided snow mesh right away. This method is very good, but the sculpting has more lag because you start with a denser mesh.
Give it a shot with a few simple boxes. I think you'll be surprised at the results.
One thing I didn't mention, is that I did add a relax modifier to the snow mesh once in max. This smoothed out some of the jaggedness.
Really cool Pete. The snow looks awesome. I'd love to know your method.
I was thinking it would be nice to have an "ignore backfacing" option for face selection. Fredo did it in his Hover select with edges, so I know it's possible. You could go top view / parallel projection and box select all the visible faces. Duplicate them and either Joint Push Pull them to thicken, or just run SDS. Since it's only the upper most faces, it would be the places where snow would normally sit. The Drape Cpoints option is good to emulate drifted snow, but not even accumulation.
oh shit, go to hell you two, you guys are so awesome, I get depressed
Nice, both of you. I too would like to know your snow method Pete.
I know this is old and you've already seen it, but for others who might happen upon this thread. Solo's method can be seen in this post.;t=33942
Earthy that's awesome mate. Funny it probably is the harder part of setting up a scene!