Quick and Dirty WIP...very raw + V2
lol. It'd be my pleasure.
dear sid please stop posting images of V2....its not fair!!
and please please re-render classroom scene with chairs on the ground. fantastic image!
@olishea said:
dear sid please stop posting images of V2....its not fair!!
You will be able to play with it real soon
I can't say more than that.
@olishea said:
and please please re-render classroom scene with chairs on the ground. fantastic image!
Yes I just might do that when I get a little free time.
We have just launch public Podium 2 Beta1. You can read about it here http://supodiumforum.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=156561
Little tests with Podium V2...Used Eric's model.
Here is a bit more worked up old scene..rendered with Podium V2 sunlight only.
3min. render...very fast taking in account it was done on laptop.
Very fast indeed!
3 min!!!!! Wow!!!
Mate is it likely to support animation from SU?
we are planning to have workable render all scenes which should allow you to make animation out of it.
We already have plugin Su animate which saves scenes of animation in SU. So hopefully soon. -
Mate I had a look through the beta forums, a few interiors seem to be suffering from the floating items on the floor, you can also see this in the coloured render of your render of Erik's model lounge! Also a bit in the bathroom interior with the pot near the window right!
Looking forward to see what happens with the development on this one! Very Vray looking!
BTW can materials be saved out so that they don't need to be set each render in SU and are maps linked or do all maps need to be in your SU scene. I find this a real bummer where it is the case as it so limits the use of good maps. I haven't ever played with pV1 as TBD invited me to the first beta but never got past it crashing SU and got dropped!
"Mate I had a look through the beta forums, a few interiors seem to be suffering from the floating items on the floor, you can also see this in the coloured render of your render of Erik's model lounge! Also a bit in the bathroom interior with the pot near the window right!"
I am trying hard to see what you see and I just do not see it mate. To me they are fine. The only floating items were chairs in the classroom render and they were off the ground in the model.
"Looking forward to see what happens with the development on this one! Very Vray looking!"
I would agree V2 has high end quality look."BTW can materials be saved out so that they don't need to be set each render in SU and are maps linked or do all maps need to be in your SU scene. I find this a real bummer where it is the case as it so limits the use of good maps."
Material definition within V2 are honoured if you simple copy and paste that material into new Sketchup file. Also if you save your file and move it to another computer the materials will be be honoured. Correct me if I am wrong but i think this is pretty unique. It will save the time prepping the files for rendering.
We will end up with some sort of mat library or you simply create SU file with your favourite materials and just copy and paste them where you need them."I haven't ever played with pV1 as TBD invited me to the first beta but never got past it crashing SU and got dropped!"
That was sometimes ago man ...
Hey sid, I was more meaning that can SU materials be linked to external shaders so that higher res materials can be substituted on export? I tend to use materials that are between 3-5 MB, it doesn't take SU long to explode with a few materials or that quality!
Merry Christmas to you sid, this comes from a friend, from a podium mac user too, lol (and I say, I will not Marry anyone else except Kelly (my wife actually)).
Richard...we are considering support for external shaders. That is as much I can tell you at this point in time.
Merry Xmas to everyone from Podium team
Cheers Michalis.....fast fingers
just a quick render, dry and hot summer day.... a bit pp but no entourage....
Happy new year to everyone