Copy Catting
OK, another try with some further tweaks (modified shadows for instance to get some more exciting variations of hard(er) and soft shadows - changed plants, added something behind the camera so that the window can reflect it...)
Maxwell, noisy!! Only 40min on my crap top! All mats straight from crazy's file but grass, glass brick and gal steel. 5 min PP
Nice ...Richard. How long would take Maxwell to clear that noise as it is quite noisy?
@sepo said:
Nice ...Richard. How long would take Maxwell to clear that noise as it is quite noisy?
Mate as mentioned it was rendered on a 2.4g dual thread, not dual core even! Plus I added a lot of geo in plants, about twenty clipped trees and an internal emitter. So it's probaly not a good example. Though 2-3 hours at that res would clean it up well, done with 1.7.1 - V2 by all accounts is much faster and if I had taken the time to open it in studio you have the option to save out your physical sky as HDRI. You can then just plug that straight back in and it would rip through again much quicker!!
I'd say if I had an i7 and used HDRI it would render clean and twice the res in an hour!
You have to say though that Maxwell's lighting is hard to beat!
Yeah the lighting is nice but that noise is problem for me. It is like watching paint to dry.
I do know what you mean mate! Though one has to balance that up against the ease of setup! Leaving the puter running whilst I do other stuff is a fair trade off for me when I can just set the camera export and do something else!
I supose we all develop liking for particular workflow. If it works for you than great,
It could be me but I prefer biased render solution.
Sometimes I wonder what the Pixar guys think of this forum and about our renders... if they visit this place at all. After all, they're kinda the fathers of today's computer graphics.
So far I'm really liking Pete's image. Vue totally rocks for vegetation.
@ecuadorian said:
So far I'm really liking Pete's image. Vue totally rocks for vegetation.
Yeah the veg is amazing though the weird artifacts on the walls are a bit disturbing!
Question for Pete! Mate do those artifacts (the ones mostly evident on the right white wall) reduce with time or by alternative render settings!
Like Ecu suggests veg can be a big killer in any render! And particularly if done inside SU with export to another app like vue, 3D max or even maxwell studio, the latter two allowing to bring in or utilise trees, shrubs and grasses created in xfrog or onyx!
I've had onyx for a while and just got the hang of it recently but once you do the results can be stunning. The polycount for this baby would turn SU white, though studio can handle hundreds and I imagine vue thousands!
modified bushs to be more 3d and real, adding some 2d foliages, set up TWiR materials,environment and a warm sun( 20 -25 min), over night render (to use my sleep time
) and 10 min of post-pro
Here's my quick try using TWR...
3 minutes to set up materials, replacing the bamboo and adjusting the sun light...
This render was done using the "Path Tracing Progressive" render preset...
60 passes took 1 h 7 min...
NO post pro...
Rendered with Blender 2.5. My tree material is messed up because Blender2.5 Builds
are going through evolution.
LightUp. No changes to model. Render time: 43 seconds.
Adam that's as good as any!!!
Yes I would agree Richard. With a bit pp great render.
Perhaps its because of my background and it has absolutely nothing to do with the beautiful renderings, but this design is not user friendly at all. Those pavers that close with the grass is going to be a nightmare when it comes to maintaining it. Grass does grow and there will be a time when that will need to be mowed or otherwise. I'm all for style when it falls within the parameters of sustainable, ease of maintenance, etc.
Just my .02
my entry
Artlantis 3
with color correction in photoshopregards
Thanks guys for all your input. Sorry I haven't inputed much myself, life has consisted of work... overtime, sleep, kids, work... more over time. Life this time of the year is absolutely crazy!
Your renderings are all great. It just goes to show how crap I am at rendering at the moment. However, I think the render application has a lot to do with the final result, it's also down to personal preference and styling.
Those with the best vegetation are my favorite. Vue being the top of my list.
Using the camera in Vue8 was really annoying and difficult to align using the controls on the right. Is there a keyboard way of controlling it?This is the latest render of mine from Vue8. It still looks like it's from the Blue Mountains in Australia, due to the blue haze, but the model is for an Australian address so I guess that's not too bad.
Just for the interest of those abroad Crazy's comment regarding the blue mountains is a physical phenominum caused by the sun light refraction through the Turpentinium vapour from the aussie eucalypts (gum trees). Even at middle distance the Blue mountains on approach are indeed VERY blue! And also a dangerous place for pommie tourists!
@ Crazy, mate no matter what your choice of render, the use of good veg will always make a difference!! If you couple any render with Onyx in particular result will be smashing!
Would be great if they would release a light version where one could download the best plants from users and simple set height and hit variation to output various options without a user needing to know the ins and out of a complex yet powerful modeller!
Kerkythea, Just used a Photon map preset. About 22 minutes.