Model this: Popeye
I was thinking to participate in the model this thread, but the challenge is too much for me.
Congratz to the valiants. In the last challenge I was amazed and even trided to follow the steps but couldn't get nothing worth showing.I have a question for Solo, and is... well... not related to the topic, so please FORGIVE ME!
I always wonder how do you do those gifs showing the moves you make in SU (just like those last where you showed how to edit your proxy).
Please, tell me what are you using for this, please, please, please!Maybe I'll join the next "model this"
It all depends on how organic it is, I supose -
@karinagm said:
I always wonder how do you do those gifs showing the moves you make in SU (just like those last where you showed how to edit your proxy).
@unknownuser said:
I use Camtasia studio 6, it does the screen capture and then produces clip in any format, great compression and quality as far as .gif's go.
sepo you are pro doing tutorial too
oops, I didn't read that part
thanks -
Jesus Pete that's amazing. I didn't even know the sculpt tools existed.
Thanks mate for posting the mini tut!
I've never really ventured much with rubies, can never remember what they are for or what they do - mostly because I don't do a lot of organic or curved stuff so not a loss. For mostly rectilinear stuff I've got such a flow that any I've tried that may help that just escape my memory by the time I've completed the task. But have to say at the same it's really nice to see someone not just understand what they do but to show their mastery of them!!!
Some mistakes(doble elbow on right hand
),etc ).
Other than that..kudos to waat for a great plugin.Elisei
@unknownuser said:
I didn't even know the sculpt tools existed.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
I didn't even know the sculpt tools existed.
Thanks Frenchy!! No wonder I missed it, that picture might have scared me!
I'm a complete newbie in this kind of modeling. Maybe i'm going to buy these plugins. You gave me the taste to do some popeye heads !
@unknownuser said:
that picture might have scared me!
@Richard: Things are always little hidden from the beginning of the world