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Turf block material image request.
Does anyone by any chance have a JPeg of turf blocks with grass set inside the holes?
I've been searching for hours @ Form Fonts and CG textures to no avail.Much appreciated if anyone can help
Something like this?
Yes exactly :O).... where did you find this ...I've wasted half a day looking for exactly that .
Any time, mate.
Here is the link: http://www.google.hr/imgres?imgurl=http://openfootage.net/Openfootage/Vorschau/ContactSheetpaving.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.openfootage.net/%3Fp%3D65&h=800&w=800&sz=115&tbnid=ykaikAYi4FqPrM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpavement%2Btextures&hl=hr&usg=_5cN2P87RQ20pdQ-95py2QDJWqaY=&ei=jQkkS7uwMcqN
The original file size is much larger.