Some of you know that I work for the Quebec Winter Carnival and I use SketchUp to realise many of our projects.
Let me now present a very new Carnival project, it’s a little application for iPhone and iPod Touch.
Some of you may see some form of advertising in this, but because the application is currently free to download, I just thought I could have let you know this info, just for fun.
The possibility to be able to show and to make our event known around the world on a new platform was very important to me and we worked on it for several months with two other Quebec companies, both specialized in video games.
I therefore present you "TROMPETTE", a small, simple, funny and free application, that virtually recreates the true Carnival trumpet used by our visitors for over 50 years, for instance during our night parades.
This small application is a foretaste of a second much more elaborate application to be launched January 7, 2010 with which you can use your iPod Touch or your iPhone to build and manage, as long as possible, our night parade on a map on which some of you may recognize some of Quebec city streets and buildings.