When the sun goes to sleep
Come on guys, only one comment? I want to know how you see my work.
Too flat, no perspective, the light is unreal, no shadows.
Looks like the tower of Pisa, not standing right.
The sky is to yellow, but not natural yellow. Otherwise i like it
Yeah, i totally agree, i have photoshop elements, but i don't know how to make proper backrounds, where should i look for tutorials?
The two towers, have a large plaza at their 0 level, how am i going to make that plaza appear without showing the blank space around the plaza?
yes but it doesn't loook like glass. it looks solid, almost like copper. it should be very reflective...you should be able to make out the clouds in reflections. and whats this yellow material? looks at skyscraper images in google image search to get an idea of how the glass will react. what are you rendering this with?
sorry for being critical but im guessing you want to improve the images.
doesnt matter about the blank space....the viewer should be positioned within that plaza looking up. play with your field of view a bit, maybe even go for a 'worm-eye' view to get some of the plaza in the foreground and the building towering over. good cropping will give the impression that you are surrounded by the context.....you don't have to see the edges of your model. the view now is better...but its still not right...i do not believe this is taken from the base of the tower...stand back a bit, play with FOV...imagine you are there.
just download high res sky backgrounds from http://www.cgtextures.com or http://www.imageafter.com or http://www.mayang.com
also, search for "free spherical skies" or "free hdri" to be used in your rendering program.
Clients don't like 'apocalyptic' scenes like this. They need a sense of scale, context and beauty. With all that glass you need good reflections...don't render without a sky/background because you wont get realistic reflections by trying to fake them.
Also, you need a more natural viewing angle. it is very rare to perceive a tall building like this...how about some views looking up? this will automatically immerse the viewer in the scene and give a human scale.
Thanks, i don't mind at all with you being critical, it's good to see what the other professional illustrators in this forum think about my work, from their/your critics, i learn. The rendering program i am using is vray for sketchup 6, and i have sketchup pro 7.
Is this better?