Has SpaceClaim Found the Future Interface?
Spaceclaim goes touchscreen:
http://cadinsider.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/11/has-spaceclaim-found-the-future-interface.html -
Mmmmm, yes and no! I can see this technology becoming the norm for certain applications but for design work I still think the Wacom 'pencil in hand' approach will be difficult to beat. However even Wacom have a ways to go to produce instant pen to line production. The tiny time lag is still there
I imagine this intuitive approach goes back to our cavemen ancestors drawing in the sand.
I can't see myself liking an app that takes two hands so rotate the model, when I can do it with just one now...
And you must polish the screen every 10 minutes
I thinks its highly unlikely. There is already lots of carpel tunnel injuries occurring simply by using a mouse. This would make it worse. I can't imagine working all day with my arms stretched out touching a screen. On the other hand a hellofa deltoids workout
It'd probably be nice to use that to demo a finished model to a client, but actually creating a model doesn't sound so great.