Render this: SSS
@edmund said:
It was an accident that my light bulb size(radius) was at 50.8
50.8 is millimeter equivalent of 2 inches, the default light size.
thank god. I was looking at it like "really?" thats what I made the light bulb size.
thanks for clarificationThanks Dale
Those looked really good, Edmund.
Now, they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, so I hope Remus doesn't mind my try to achieve a similar look to his blue rubber dragon:
ok, been putting it of, but here is my V-ray attempt.
i used a preset as a guide and made this material, not sure what it is!
its has some mega harsh shadows which i have no idea how to get rid of as i am still learing V-ray.
Rendered in less than 40s which i was mega impressed by!pav
sub surface scat with milk template!!
Oli, this is supposed to be Sub Surface Scattering, not Sidewalk Surface Splattering
lol do you like the motion blur? haha
by the way, ecuadorian: is that blue rubber with twilight? looks very nice
yeah jeez man i forgot about new twilight
Yummy... mint candy.
That isn't an oreo cookie. Twilight with milk preset.
Also, it's my first post.
The "Lochnessglass" monster...
Good job.. -
here's another one. . . .
Look Mom! RUDOLPH!
Ha ha, great!
Very nice.
My, Rudolph; what large fangs you have!
A quick Lightup test, is there a reason no one seems to use it?
I'm really just testing a material I made in sketchup, and the dragon looked like a fiery candidate. I'll rescale it (the material) at some point, the movies short...