Complex Curved Components, HELP Please
So I am trying to model a parapit cap that curves along three axis. It is in a normal "C" channel with right angles. It rotates slightly from right to left, also while dropping in elevation every few feet. Hopefully the image loaded correctly. The piece looks like what is in the image, but I want to be able to add a thickness to this component. My question is this, does anybody know how to create a component like this, complex curves and all, with a thickness (of 16 gauge steel)??? Please help me, thanks!
Hi, welcome to the SCF
You can try installing this plugin: you can try this set of tools: us know how it results.
See also
Some very useful free plugs -
Thats great, I will take a look at it tonight once I get home. But it looks like that could be the ticket. Thanks a lot.