Information in the dictionary = huge filesize
When adding information in the dictionary of Sketchup entities the filesize is growing very fast.
I have added information to all entities of a 25Mb model and this results in a 75Mb model...Does Su not handle well that information or is this normal?
Depends how much info your adding, but 50mb certainly sounds a lot.
Any more details on what your doing?
What data and how many entities?
the amount of entities is alot: 350K
the data is simple:
the name of the original color of the entity (like listed in the materials list)
and one other short piece of text -
Sounds like a bug. I don't think it should be so much. Perhaps an issue with the code where you add the text once to the first entitiry, twice tot he second, three times to the third, etc?
Got a sample model and code snippet?
Sounds completely reasonable to me.
Filesize increase is 50000000
Number of entities 350000So each dictionary entry is 142 bytes which is completely believable.
In the SKP file format each attribute is stored in a UTF-16 datablock which adds extra overhead for each attribute.
i don't think there is a bug since i can easily read the data from the dictionary.
I don't have a example at hand (since they are all way to big)
But this is what is added to each entity :e.set_attribute 'libraryname', 'suid', variable (number) e.set_attribute 'libraryname', 'mat_or', name of the original material (text) when a face; e.set_attribute 'libraryname', 'matback_or', name of the original material (text) e.set_attribute 'libraryname', 'typestatus', name of a material (text)