SU product ideas - why does some not like my ideas
I've submitted some ideas to the list and I'm curious why some have voted no to some of my ideas.
Like per pixel shading, or smooth shadows, or even having better animation.
Or just giving developers access to more function in SU.
Aint these just positive enhancements?
If you have an idea or are one of them I'd like to know why? -
Lot's of reasons - some people are stupid, others have no idea what you are talking about, and others are just being jerks, and yet others are trying to rig the results by voting down all other ideas but their own.
I was thinking in the same lines. But's not like Google will just make the most popular of the suggested ideas, right?
Still I'f someone have a different opinion about what I have suggested I would be interested in hearing the reason. -
I just noticed that you can create your own surveys also:
@pixero said:
I was thinking in the same lines. But's not like Google will just make the most popular of the suggested ideas, right?
Not at all. They are interested in opinions, but Google has their own agenda for SketchUp, too.