[question] texture coordinates and projected textures
Is there already a plug-in that can convert projected textures into textures with normal texture coordinates?
Projected textures are easy to apply to difficult geometry, but you can only edit them a the plane, to which they are parallel (i.e. the face to which they were applied first). They also cause difficulties with most exporter plug-ins (KT, obj...)
There is no API to control or even detect projected textures.
After youve applied the texture you can always right click->texture->untick 'projected', which will then allow you to use the texture as normal.
That method probably wont work very well if your using it on geometry thats at all complicated, though.
I wanted to modify the texture placement. When I untick it, I need to position and distort the texture completely. So I hope the API will allow it in future.
One possibility would be to use the kmz-exporter, which converts texture coordinates, but for complicated faces, I get hundreds of small pieces of textures (ca. 5px)...
Thanks for the advice
If someone has problems with exporting models with projected textures to a render engine, there is a new work-around:
The new Sketchup collada exporter supports projected textures very well (much better than normal distorted textures which are split into thousand pieces). When you import the collada model again, the textures look the same as before, but are not projected. So they should work well with ruby plugins.
Excellent, thanks for the info!